we are on the process of swotching Audrey to a grain free diet to see if that helps her itchy/stinky face. I thought this website was awesome.
when she first came home
I took Elanine's advice and searched previous posts to get info on SFA, but here's a question i couldn't find. My husband and i work nights so we are sleeping during the day mostly. We keep our bedroom blacked out in order to make sleeping easier. Dozer usually sleeps with us during the day and roams loose in the house while we work at night. Could the problem that's causing the SFA be lack of sunlight? I figured it up and he probably gets only a few hours of actual outdoor sunshine a week tops.
he starts his atopica tomorrow, and he is on matacam again, lets hope this makes him feel much better
It says on the directions for a weight of 60-90 pounds give two... Do you give both at one time or one in the morning and one in the evening... Thanks
My english bull dog needs surgery to remove both ear canals.....vet tells me he'll be deaf....anyone experienced any issues with ear problems/surgery.....thx
Just wondering if i can give my dog liver she has been nursing our puppies and just seem s like she is getting thinner everyday she eats about five times a day and eats well but she just doesnt look like she is putting on any weight
If so how do i prepare it ?
Ok, I think I made a mistake with Dixie. I am slowly switching her over to Royal Canin bulldog formula from Taste of The Wild salmon formula. The poor thing hasn't had a bowel movement since last night. Should I be concerned? Any NJ breeders or owners I can call or e-mail privately?
Panicking at this point
Are ya sure it's crushed pinapple ya add to the pups food to keep them from eating their poop? How much?, maybe I'm not giving enough.