Well....they said this would probably happen. Tuffy's right eye now has the beginnings of cherry eye. He got them a week apart from each other! We'll try to massage it in but if it doesn't work maybe the vet will give us a 2 for 1 special. His snipping procedure for the left eye is scheduled for Thursday. On the positive side, at least I won't have to play the waiting game any more...
Tuffy's Mama
The area around my boy Hurley's eyes (including the fold under his eyes) has become red, irritated and has started to shed (see pics below). He's only 9 months old and he's my first bulldog, so this isn't something that I have experience with. Are these tear stains? Could it be an allergic reaction to something? When I wipe the area with cotton swabs, there doesn't appear to be much moisture. However, what moisture is there at times is reddish in color.
Mya just had her first visible heat last month at 11 months old, and obviously the teets?teats? swolled up and are now enlarged etc. but she keeps scratching at them with her hind legs and its getting irratated a little bit and since its winter time her skin is a little dryer. What would you reccomend? I started putting some aveeno no scent etc lotion on the areas today..
Anyone else have this happen?
I dont know alot about bulldog teeth...but from the few i have had...many rescues...thier teeth dont seem to come in straight like a rottweilers or boxers...i feel it has to do with the jaw...charlie has nice teeth wilson has crooked front ones...
so i dont think they will come in a nice stright row...
hope this give you a little info....
" Iz da man of da houz now wet mez in"
Good afternoon! I took Tuffy to see the canine eye specialist today and, as expected, she highly advocates the tacking procedure. She says that with bulldogs there is a 50-70% chance that it'll pop out again but she wouldn't charge to retack it--just the charge for the anesthesia, medication etc. if it doesn't take. I mentioned the option of just snipping it but she says she strongly opposes that because of the risk of dry eye and potential blindness.
Charlie has always had soft poops..I have tried changing his foodmany times.. it did get formed one time, then turned soft again.
I have him on a dehydrated raw kibble..been on it a few weeks,, till real soft unformed poops.
I realy don't want to keep changing his food!
I had his stools vet examined for parasite etc..all came out negative.."have you tried changing foods" EK!
Question... how dangerous is it for a dog to have soft unformed poops?
He is fine in every other way..too hyper for my taste ..LOL
Do any breeders give their own shots and how often do you take them to the vet if all is well. I know Rabies is one you can't give but what about all the others?
Dear all,
what a day ! my 11 year old kelpie Gabby had her teeth cleened today, all went well, no extractions, just alot of tartar... her breath is good again! amazing! she is a little woozy, but eating and pooing is already normal! very happy we got her teeth cleaned.