Dear all,
what a day ! my 11 year old kelpie Gabby had her teeth cleened today, all went well, no extractions, just alot of tartar... her breath is good again! amazing! she is a little woozy, but eating and pooing is already normal! very happy we got her teeth cleaned.
kibby, my 5 yr old bully, currently dealing with a uti and idc at the same time is on cephexeline(?sp) for the last week... her idc was getting smaller and everything was going well, then all of the sudden it started flaring up again! I noticed it starting to swell up yesterday , and today, it got so big and red,literally within hours, that it popped and there was blood everywhere! i cleaned it and neosporin sprayed it , wrapped it.. it bleed through, so i repeated the process again like 2 hours later.
It doesn't seem to be bothering kibby so much now, it just that when she runs or jumps off the couch, she splits or breaks the scab , so it starts bleeding again. I think I have it under control now, re-wrapped with a baby sock.
my questions are:
1. now that i finally got the bleeding to stop, do i still need to see a vet?- she is already on the antibiotics... so is there anything more they can do for her? i just spent $400 on gabbys teeth cleaning, i dont really feel like going back again, but I will if its better for kibby!
2. Should I just try to let it dry out now ? i will try to keep it wrapped if she keeps licking or if it keeps bleeding , otherwise i would prefer it to get some air and dry out, right?...
OR do i still try to soak in salt or bleach water ?... i dont want it to sting her open wound though.
3. why would it just flare up all of the sudden after it was shrinking for the last 3 days? since it flared up so quickly, could one safely assume, that it must have been something she ate recently?- since we haven't done anything differently "environmentally" for the last week...she is also developing another one on her back foot now too.
4. is annimax, or ottomax, or neosporin, the best to use for this situation? i like the neo spray because it dries up nicer then the gooey ointments.
ughhh.. her idcs have never been so bad. they usually clear up within a week without any soaking or ointments.
p.s. we did have a dinner party here on sat and i wonder if someone fed her some random table food?
p.p.s. we did bring kibby to the vet with us to drop off gabby again, i swear, i know it sounds crazy but everytime we go the vet, she gets the idc's! maybe it stresses her out! so strange.
my poor baby white pig... she looks so sad... she looks even sadder when i put a sandwich bag and rubber band over her sock when i take her out to pee! thanks!
gabby with 2 shaved legs - i think kibby just wanted to wear a bandage too and steal all the attention from her big sister gabby, she is such a princess!
dont use bleach...
if their is a open wound stay with the epsom salt soak....the bleach even in small amounts could cause the skin to react....
my rule of thumb when treating my dogs,,,,is it safe for me...would a soak a open wound in bleach no...epsom salt yes....apply a little iodine yes....
it makes it a little easier if you ask yourself that question...would i do it....and apply it to your pet....
they burst....
like a pimple...they caome to a head...or the skin starts to get soft from the pressure and the licking and they bleed....wilsons never come to head and they get painful to walk on....he has a alot on hair between his i have to be very careful about soaking them or they get to soft....and its difficult for him to walk....i find vit c and cod liver helps im alot....
keep them dry.....
i would let the air at them since she in on antibotics.....if she is not licking or chewing them...
i would hold off soaking them...and being on the antibotics their is not much the vet can do...idc are a pain in the butt...
so keep them dry and let the air at them....its better to let them drain a little....then build up and pop....
thanks... i will take off the bandage later ...
and see what is going on under ...
i am kinda worried.. i never had to deal with the bleeding kind... what makes it burst?
activity? or too much food allergy at once?
do you use the bleach or salts?
i would think that it would hurt ALOT if bleach or salt went into the wound... right? do your dogs react to it?
do your dogs get it because of food allergies?
my Rocky has them all the time
I still soak them after they burst, but I dry it very well and I put prep h on it, and it usually goes away.