Hi everyone,
We picked Ace up this morning from the vet. He was SO excited to see us! And seeing him act the way he did...it just made me completely realize how much he didn't feel well the other day. Although I thought he was okay.
I have to say - I have never seen him so HAPPY! He is completely playful; running around, chewing on toys, playing.
The vet put in the penrose drain on the side of his face - by his ear. It is draining quite well (not too nasty). He is on Clavamox for the next week, along with Rimadyl for pain, twice a day.
Here are pictures of the drain in. He still has some swelling in the area of the abscess - which will continue to go down in the next week. Once all is healed and the infection is gone - then we will get him in for the laser surgery of the ear canal, to open it up...preventing any future abscesses from occurring (hopefully).
THANK YOU to everyone for the well wishes. Ace thanks you from the bottom of his heart:)
Heather, Laura and Langston (humans)
Cloe, Weedle, Chrissy, Patches, Squirt and Dallas (felines)
Ace Thunderpaw (Bully)
that is wonderful
glad your boy is home and feeling better, and I am so happy to hear that all will be ok for him soon.
Such good news
Best wishes for a fast recovery.
Update....Good Night
Hi everyone,
Ace slept through the night - didn't even wake up until 8 this morning! I fed him...and tried to be sneaky by putting his meds in his food. What a smarty...he left them at the bottom of the bowl for me:) So I know he is feeling good.
He is now playing with the comforter that my son is wrapped up in.
I got his wound cleaned up this morning and this afternoon, we are going to lay him down and with the assistance of my son - really scrub around the area and get all of the crusties off of there. I think that will make a big difference for him, too.
He is playing with his tire and his treat ball. It's so good to have him back home - that is for sure.
Thank you all for the good vibes:) You all are just amazing people:)
Heather, Laura and Langston (humans)
Cloe, Weedle, Chrissy, Patches, Squirt and Dallas (felines)
Ace Thunderpaw (Bully)
Great news for you all!
Ace my man, pretty soon thqt tuber will be gone and that cute face will be back to normal. I hate it when you guys are sick. Get well quickly!!!
aww.....sweet baby!!! Hope Ace is allll better soon! Meaty sends
Oh! poor little baby! He is such a dollface...Ace was the name
of my last male and I ADORED him!!! so lucky to have your love on his side, than you so much for really looking after things for Ace.
Much love to you both...get some much needed rest.
Andrea, Ruby, Lola and Jigger
I'll bet he feels better with that pressure gone..
sounds good. Hopefully that repair will work.
BIG HUGS to you and Ace
I am glad he is home with you where he belongs! I hope his recovery goes well. Thanks for the update. Ace is adorable. I just want to give him a big old hug.
Janice and Toby
Very glad he's home and doing well
Poor little guy.
So happy to hear that Ace is doing better!
Big hugs to the little man!
great news
Ace is on the mend!!! yay!!! I'm so glad he feels so much better. they get to feeling bad very slowly and we don't notice it so much because we see them all the time. hugs to you both, keeping you's in my thoughts and prayers.
Glad to hear Ace is feeling better :) (eom)
Humpty Dumpty didn't fall, he was pushed !
so very glad Ace is home poor baby...give him a hug
from us