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Being really nice out these past few days here and been able to get the bullies and the PUGS out for a few walks on the leash.
the PUGS are terrible..all over the planet.lol. they are not good to take for a walk at all. the one pug is a bit better but the other 2 are not good at all. very frustrating taking them for a walk.

but the BULLIES...wow wow wow
they are both awesome on a leash
Gus looks up at me the whole time he is walking..walks like a champion..lol but seriously he is super on a leash.
Bella is a little skittish on a leash but she walks great too. she is out for a walk and she walks to keep up and back home..
GUS takes in the time and enjoys the WALK..he is pokey. my kinda of walker.

gotta walk lots after surgery to get rid of this gas...
and glad that I can count on my bullies to keep me company..

I tried a splitter this am. and the bullies walk great together but Gus loves to stop and do the pee thing all over the place..so easier without the splitter.
I take the pugs on the splitter though all the time.

my arn has never been the same..

it really wasn't Junior's fault. I was wearing flip flops and the cement was slippery. He yanked and I fell and landed on my butt catching myself with my hand extended flat behind me. My wrist snapped forward. Big mess fracture, surgery, 3 pins. It still bothers me and isn't quite straight. Not noticeable unless I put both arms out side by side.

I still love him..

Elaine's Sig Pic
bT*xJmx*PTEyNTUxMTc5OTczNTkmcHQ9MTI1NTExODAxMzgyOCZwPTczNDgyMSZkPSZnPTEmbz*yNGEwNDJiNjljNTg*OTA1ODAwOGY3NTEyZGI4MTljNSZvZj*w.gif I don't rescue animals because I want to feel better about myself, or morally superior to anyone. The best part of my life with animals is the humility they teach and the humanity the foster.
Jon Katz "Soul of a Dog"

ouch..that would be terrible..

always worry they could pull hard enough to hurt an arm..if you fall..
my girlfriend was walking her dog and fell..she broke both her foot and her wirst..and it was terrible. it was icy that day..
thank goodness your arm healed..
maybe it is best someone else walks Junior

Janice Toby and Betsy's picture

Toby never ever marks anything on our walks

It was so wierd walking the two of them and the female would be the one peeing on everything and the male never did. Crazy dogs!


lol sure sounds like he has done THAT..big time..

Gus is very slow and enjoys the scenery. that is his excuse and I am sticking to it. he does love to go...and when he tires he sits and YOU are not getting any farther..lol. I just wait a few and then head home and he is fine. he has rather trained me too..lol.
but he does love to go at least.........
Bella on the other hand...sometimes harder to get her moving to go..but once she is going..she could go and go and go. she never tires out on her walk. she is very brisk walker too and that is fine too.
I prefer to walk with Gus though..take a leisure walk and enjoy it..

I find it funny the females can squat that many times..lol

Bella is the same way..
Gus the male more soo
and the female pug she saves it..lol for her walks..she squats every few feet for sure..

Spanky refuses to walk outside....

on his leash when I try to guide him. Instead, he guides me at a turtle's pace.... and then only for the promise of a treat after he potties. I know that trainers would tell me that I have done everything wrong, but with his arthritis in his hips, I figure he deserves some slack. Of course, once he is back inside he wants to play fetch and tuggy toy.... often running around on the tile floor. I think he has worked very hard to train me!

Janice Toby and Betsy's picture

Toby is great on the leash, but he sometimes gets a little slow.

and I have to carry him! I did that just today. He was being so pokey on our walk so I carried him up the street. Good thing he is just a little booger.

My lab Sadie was never good on the leash. She was so well behaved in just about every other way. But take her for a walk and she would drag you from spot to spot so she could sniff it and pee on it. Yes, the girl would squat and pee on something about every 5 feet. And when she smelled something she would just DASH over to it, she was crazy.


MUST be my pugs..Andrea..lol

the pugs are not going to be going much for a walk..they can settle for a good run in the backyard instead. I have a great place for them to run.
I take the dogs sometimes off leash...to a park bahind my house. the park is 25 acres. a nature trail that nobody uses at all. I helped in the organization of that trail. it is used some in the summer..full of great points of interest cool wild flowers and tons of birds. I take the dogs off leash back there and all 5 of them are great. they stay really close and on the path.
but put a leash on the PUGS and it is all about the party...hahahaha. My rescue pug is a bit better..he seems to stay a bit closer and walk a bit better..but the other 2 ..no way..
so generally just take the bullies... or the rescue pug on his own.

Interesting..did not know that about Onslow...

he is such a sweetie.
might be the drive in the olde english bulldog maybe..not sure.
bulldogs though are very laid back..esepcially the english...
Gus is soo what ...no big deal type of dog with most things
Bella on the hand is not as laid back as Gus...

that is the one thing that the vet loved about Gus was how laid back he is. he was great for the study since he is laid back but he is also very playful like most english bulldogs. other then being deaf..he is all english bull..lol

at least you were not hurt,
Good thing Onslow waited for you

I am also glad to hear about the olde english bulldogs. wander what that breed is like? there are few of them on the board here...I think.

onslowsmom's picture

He was startled

and believe it or not he got about 15 feet and stopped right in his tracks and waited for me to get up and come get him.

He is an Olde English bulldog, not a purebred. His mother was a purebred and his father was a mix of 75% English and 25% American, not sure if that's where the drive comes from. Most bullies are so laid back and chill. LOL

Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it. ~Confucius
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Andrea Ruby Lola and Jigger's picture

Ruby never liked to walk...

only if she sees some likely suspect to pet her all over!!!! even today she's not that into it. Lola (Pug) loves to walk...but spoons up the tiny rocks! sheesh!

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Andrea, Ruby, Lola and Jigger

OUCH again..the dogs do not seem to notice eh??

HOW did Onslow react when you went over the railing??
if it had been here..the dogs likely would have just watched..
good thing you can laugh at it now..but wow that would have hurt for sure.

neither of my bullies have that strong prey instinct in them at all...

onslowsmom's picture

It did

but you know what? I know he has a strong pray drive and I wasn't watching him so it was really my fault. I was looking at and talking to my friend in the house.

Every once in a while he gets a wild hair but for the most part he's very good. He used to be a car chaser also but is much much better after 2 1/2 years of working on it. LOL

Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it. ~Confucius
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I bet that hurt Lisa...

over the railing must have really hurt.
I bet you were bruised..
ouch ouch ouch..

Gus is very strong but on a leash he is great. the vet young daughter that is 4 ..took Gus for a walk around the farm when he went there to be studied for the deaf dog study. she says he was awesome for the child on a leash...
he just kinda putters..nothing gets him going either..he just putters along..lol

oh oh not that sweetie....

a case of the zommies out for a walk is not a good thing.
Gus walks and pays NO attention to anything that he aees when he walks..he got front forward and keeps on going. that is the great thing about Gus. he stays really close on a walk..right at my side and eyes watching me all the time. maybe being deaf he does that not sure.but reminds of a show dog in the ring..the way he looks up.

Bella on the other hand is very leary of cars. she is very leary of strange people out for a walk too. Gus goes up and says HELLO and then he is ready to go again.

I love taking the bullies for a walk
too bad you ended up in the river
that would have been a SHORT walk I bet ..today for you

haha true

The railing sounds a lot worse! I bet that took a week to heal from. I've never had that much soil move under my feet before. Between Tiger's incredible power, and getting my big rear moving, momentum was incredible right into water.

My Tiger


hahhahhaa Bully Landscaping..lol

Bella does that too..and Gus on occasion as well
made me laugh out loud..but wow soo true

Gus is great to walk though. he just does not like to go real far far. when he has enough..he just sits and parks IT..lol. we wait a few and then head back... but he is great company for a walk. bulldog landmarker..lol and all.

onslowsmom's picture

Oh boy

over a leaf! LOL Glad you didn't get hurt and it will be laughable later. I can laugh about the railing now, but not before when I was all bruised up. haha

Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it. ~Confucius
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Yes, in a river

She saw a leaf, went after. I was on firm ground taking pictures, but all the snow melt caused about 6" of soil TO GO WITH US!!! Tiger can be sweet, but she gets the crazies often.

My Tiger


onslowsmom's picture


LMAO Onslow has that too! I've been hit many times. We say NO BULLY LANDSCAPING! (Back leg Flicking)

Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it. ~Confucius
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onslowsmom's picture

No way!

Not Tiger, say it ain't so!

Onslow pulled me over a railing when we first moved in the house we are in now. There's a guinnea hen running around that I forgot about. I wasn't watching Onslow's body language when I let him out the door to see he was going to chase it. I flipped totally upside down over that railing and broke it in half! Not cool.. LOL

Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it. ~Confucius
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that sweet girl pulled you into the river, no way.

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glad the weather is nicer, Lily loves to walk, but she has pms--pee mark scratch it takes us forever , Rcoky loves to walk also but with his arthritis he cant,

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Usually I know what you mean, but today....

I got pulled in a river. Not cool Tiger.

My Tiger


Deborah and the NC gang's picture

the gang enjoys a walk too

but Gracie was afraid of everything and wanted to chase cars, took a long time to work with her and stop that behavior... Sugar gets excited if she sees her leash and collar...then she will go out front pee in the yard and want to high tail it back in the house...lol Griffin is my moser but since the weight has come off he loves to power walk...lol we usually just walk a short distance, I don't want to make Sugar lame or push her to walk longer

sounds like Gus enjoys his walks alot... glad that you are feeling better to get out and walk...



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Céline and Angel Stella's picture

Stella has never liked to walk

My sister's pug, on the other hand, loved it. Especially when she could be loose in the fields at my dad's.

SUPPOSED to say What a PLEASURE to take a dog for a walk that BE

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