I almost forgot to tell you about these enormous beautiful dogs that were at the park today. They were HUGE and fluffy, but super gentle and sweet.
Bailey is about 50, maybe almost 60 lbs... I didn't get a chance to talk to the owners, plus I'm sure she gets annoyed at people asking how much the dog weighs, etc.
Here is the lady leaving with her two big old babies... can you imagine the SHEDDING in her house!?
Emily & Murphy... & Dooley too!
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Great Pyrenees...
...beautiful dogs. We had a lady in our club who raises them--and she often brought them to our nursing home visits--big sweethearts! ...and they don't call them "Great" for no reason!
My neighbor has two...
...and they come down to visit the bullies all the time... The ones name is Tonka and I cant remember the others name... My bullies bark like crazy at them...I am sure because they think they are from outer space...or perhaps they think the dinosaurs have evolved back... But Tonka just stands there as if he is admiring the barking bullies... and isn't phased in the least. He moseys back home eventually after a few liver treats. I cant imgine having to bathe them or brush their hair... Goodness! But beautiful temprements!
one barked, and i swear the world shook!
very impressive, but super sweet dogs!
Emily & Murphy... & Dooley too!
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My mom has those! They are
Great Pyrenees. My mom has a male and a female, both that size. I believe Harvey weighs about 120 and Lucy is about 110? They are ALLLLL hair! And yes, they shed like crazy! They are VERY protective of my children and are the sweetest dogs ever, but if someone comes to the door or comes close to their property (they live on a lot of land), they sound like a pack of rabid wolves! They are gentle, awesome dogs though, and HUGE!!
WoW!! Looks like their taking her for a walk
I would not want to be the one to bath & brush those guys.

Love them bullies
thats allot of doggie!!!!!!
Wow-those are humongous, but beautiful dogs!!
Great Pyranees
Too much hair for me!

I husband and I had one 10yrs ago.....
They do shed but not as bad as you would think. He weighed 125 lbs. I had to walk him at odd times because he caused two accidents. They are truely great!!
No Pun intended, can you imagine the size of it's cra&!!!
WOW, I wonder how much they way...
Holy Crap...That is a Big Dog!!!