ONLY one dog here that will roll in the grass and it is Bella. she does this AS soon as all the snow is gone and then everyday for sure once or if now more times a day. she loves it.
I remember rolling in the grass years ago
I laugh at her though
will not want her doing this when the grass if freshly mowed in the summer..
and by the way
that GROUND HERE IS still very cold..
but sure does not stop her.
she does not roll in snow though
I have had dogs all my life..and never had a dog roll in the grass..
Onslow loves to roll in the grass too (pic)
Sherryl, Onslow and Buttercup
Good thing....
she's a bulldog instead of a long haired type of dog.
awwww great pic..
too cute
Gus did today for the first time too.
alot of monkey see monkey do around this house it seems..
gotta get a pic of Bella out funny to watch her roll
good thing the grass was not just mowed..