Sky has a staph infection in her chinnie, chin, chin....

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Sky has a staph infection in her chinnie, chin, chin....

Took her to be tested for Heartworm so that we can start her on her meds.
Vet said she has steph in her chin, so she's on Cephalexin 500 mg 2 times a day for 21 days and Pyoben Gel two times a day. Three hundred bucks later, gotta love bulldogs

Both of them:

I wanted to include a couple others but photobucket is being STUPID.

Deborah and the NC gang's picture

Awwww poor Sky hope you feel better

love that pic too cute


Dawn.Stryker.Jayda's picture


I hope her chin heals up.  That's quite the bill you had!!  It's all worth it though, of course. 

Dawn & Stryker


yeah, Zoey is turning out to be an expensive pupper-roo this week!

I cannot complain though, she has hardly cost us anything since we got her since mostly her visits have been, up until now, wellcare visits once a year. Most of my vet bills are from my other two dogs who are elderly and sickly.

Zoey is worth every pennie, nickle, dime, quarter etc etc etc as you already know from Ana and Sky!

Pam Grady Burnice's picture

Ugghh...Frankie keeps getting staph there too...

Poor Sky...and poor your wallet lol!

I had Frankie on Cephalexin twice for this for 4-6 weeks each time. It went completely away and came back a month or so later both times.
She has been off it over a week and I just noticed another little sore...arggghh!
This last time I also used Pyoben and it made her a little sick because of course she kept licking it off so I won't be using that again.
I don't know if it was the peroxide or what?? The Cephalexin works great, they just have to be on for so long it makes me crazy.

Goodluck to the pretty girl...cute pic!

I have nothing to compain about as far as costs

Compared to Zoey at this point.
How's she doing?

Aw Sky!!!

If it is not one thing with these bullies, it is another!

But, you are right, gotta love them!

sorry to hear about the staph infection and the cost of the vet bill....I can all too relate to them vet bills!

I hope Sky's chin gets better soon!

Love the pics, your girls are soo cute!

NO kidding....

It is always something...Hopefully this'll be our last visit until the annuals next year


LMAO, she's more like the little pigs for sure
Yeah you wouldn't of known anything was wrong that's why i wait to take her, but it seems to be healing up better now.

I got who you meant!

She'll be fine, she's already fine, wouldn't know anything is wrong really.

Caroline-Mack-Stella's picture

cute pic

poor little least she is on meds now and it will clear up soon. it is always something...cha ching!!!!lol

Hey how'd that "l" get in there, LOL suppose to be "Sky"


Does she have to huff and puff?

LOL - glad she got on the antibiotics and is responding. Those things can get out of hand pretty quickly.
You crack me up about Photobucket... Hee hee!


Sky has stainless bowls...

She has some plastic toys, but the vet said those will be alright.
I HATE THE VET Well I love him, but I hate that it costs so much money.

thats allt hat matters is that it is

getting better =) great news

Poor Skyl!

Great picture and I hope the infection clears up fast for her.


OH MAN, thanks so much

I feel like they are never white! My dirt dogs is what I call them, maybe it's that blue on the futon making them look brighter.

OH MAN... I know how scarey it can be in humans

Can be toxic to the blood stream and such, you are SOOOOO LUCKY.
I feel bad because I waited a couple weeks to take her to the vet. So bad...
But it's already looking better.

No clue, he said it can just happen

From her having an open wound and then picking up some dirty stuff outside!
I am hoping the ointment and antibiotic combo will knock it out!

So far so good on her stomach

And it was a double whammy cuz they said she's overweight too, so her food got cut back and she's on baby carrots for treats;)

I know, it just wasn't healing

I feel terrible now knowing it's staph...

kara1189's picture

They are so cute!

Sorry 'bout the staph but it will be gone soon.  Thank god for antibiotics.

 NJ, PA, DE & MD.

Andrea Ruby Lola and Jigger's picture

The FUTON Bullies!!! how cute...

every time I go to the vet it's $$$...I hear ya! Are you feeding in stainless/china bowls? the plastic holds the bacteria and gives them the staph infection. Always something else!
You are a good momma!

Andrea and Ruby

love the pic!!! their whites

are so WHITE!!!

Ugh I know all to well about a Staph

infection...not with my bully but with myself was so weird I got it right after Rosie had her surgery for amputating a 3 or 4 days later i developed a staph infection right on my eyebrow line..It was so painful and nasty..of course i didnt go to the dr right away cause i had no clue it could be that so about a week after it started developing my whole side of my face was swollen and sopainful finally went to the doctors and about 2 weeks later it was just about gone...i still have a bit of a scar from it htough! sorry to get off topic but I sure hope Sky doesnt have to deal with that verylong!

Janice Toby and Betsy's picture

Toby has had that on the top of his head a few times

Where do they get these things?

I am sure the antibiotics will knock it out. But my vet always puts the Tobester on them for 6 weeks to make sure it's all gone.

Janice and Toby

onslowsmom's picture

Poor little girlie!

Onslow has been there and done that. The Ceph works good, but was hard on his stomach! Hope she is feeling better soon!



Man how much fun will that be!

Dawn.Stryker.Jayda's picture


hasn't happened yet.  We want to have a destination wedding...maybe next year...???  We both really want to go to Hawaii & have it on the beach with whoever can make it there with us.  We'll see what happens. 

Thanks for asking!

Dawn & Stryker

She's actually fine

Nothing is wrong with her at all other than the boo boos on her chin.

Worth every cent...How's the wedding planning coming?

Or are you guys just enjoying being engaged!

I am hoping is clears it up

I have to watch when her and Ana play because that's what irritates it.

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