O/T Anyone want to see some pic from Afghanistan

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O/T Anyone want to see some pic from Afghanistan

Thought i would share some pics that my husband Jeff sent me from Afghanistan.

Bagram Airfield/ Aircraft Maint. Hanger

My Husband, Jeff inside the Maint. Hanger

B-Huts (the military housing in Bagram)

Inside the B-hut rooms

Chinook in Flight

Jalalabad, Afghanistan Airport

Inside the transition billets at FOB Fenty

My husband Jeff

notice the guy sitting on the back ramp

In flight

Jeff in his battle gear (total weight is about 65lbs)

Jalalabad, Afghanistan/ part of the Afgan National Army Base

Looking outside the wire fence at FOB Fenly

River Delta

Notice how green it is around the river area

Husband says "American Taxs Dollars at Work" Nice Road


We are from Fort Worth, Texas

Samson and Delilah are good bulldog names.

Clovis Boo Flynn and Gary's picture

Sending a huge salute and thank you to your husband and his fell

and also to all of their families for their sacrifices too.


Free fried chicken at Boo and Clovis' Pbase.com photos:


And click here for puppy photos of Boo & Clovis:


Last photo...

Are those Afghan Hounds?

Thank your husband

God Bless your husband and all our soldiers. They are doing important work.
BTW, the vet tech at my vet's office said her friend had 2 bulldogs named Sampson & Delila. I'm from the Boston area.

God Bless your hubby

and you for the sacrifices you have made. I know thoses babies miss their daddy. Thanks for letting us check it out.

Wow, thank you for sharing those, and THANK your husband from us

For all that he is doing for us all...

Awesome pictures! Thanks for sharing....

them. Thank your wonderful husband too. Must be very hard for him and you...God bless ALL of our soldiers. .....
Love your bullies!!!

bran5022's picture

God Bless Your Hubby and every other

man & woman that are over there. They are in my prayers daily. They and their families sacrifice SO much for all of us.
Thanks for sharing those with us.

Yes, great pics indeed....

thanks so much for sharing. Very interesting.

Not all bullies are as fortunate as the ones we call our own....

fridavito's picture

Thanks for sharing....

Keeping all our troops in my prayers. God bless you husband for his sevice to our country. Oh and the doggies are cute!

Generate Your Own Glitter Graphics @ GlitterYourWay.com - Image hosted by ImageShack.us


bullyphil's picture

Good Pictures(ones we don't usually see)

Thanks to your husband and all servicemen and women!And,may he get back home safely!
The cartwights,Buttercup and Curly

Amy O's picture

thanks for sharing those

My cousin is there on his third tour. I hope you will be reunited soon!! Anyway, I am greatful for your husband and people like him! I pray that he, my cousin and all the others will return home safely and soon!

mlarthur33's picture

Keeping your husband and fellow soldiers in our prayers!

And you, Army wife, are in my prayers as well. Hang in!

Thank God for men...

Like your husband. I'm keeping him, and all the armed forces, in my prayers for a safe return.

created by ME!

njkate07's picture

Wow thanks for sharing and many thanks to

your hubby & all the troops

god bless them-all of them

really awesome pics, love the bully related ones too.

Kimbulldog's picture


Those picture's were very touching... Too see how they live v/s how we get to live... I Thank him for fighting for our country. We sure are lucky to live in the United States.

I hope you get to be reunited with him soon

The song "American Soldier" comes to mind after seeing your pictures, It's a good one.

God Bless, Kim

Deborah and the NC gang's picture

thank you for sharing....God bless your husband and all of our m

women serving our country!!! thank you to all!!!!


onslowsmom's picture

God Bless your husband

It's amazing looking at those pics. Not by any means what we all see everyday. Thanks for sharing them with us.

I cannot believe how big Delilah is now!


Cathie Chopper and Stitch's picture


Thanks for sharing. What a good looking guy. Thank him for us would ya?

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