Can someone please take the time to explain the differences? what types of dogs are bred to create them? I read that an olde english bulldog is more energetic, taller and does not have breathing problems and they have a longer life expectency. (I saw this on a rescue website, not sure if it is true) THanks a bundle
I AGREE, toplines have got very bad
i think people have been breeding for heads and forgot about the rest of the dog. Also breeding a dog who is cobby will mess up the topline too.
We all want it all but i hope most try.
You're right, Deb...
There are very few. I was noticing this at Nationals. Although, I think toplines and tailsets have generally improved in the recent years compared to about 10 years ago. Of course, you can't ever have it all, but I can always hope to someday! LOL!
Toplines.......Honestly Vicky
how many toplines have you seen in the ring today that resemble that topline. Maybe 1 or 2. Most of the toplines today are ski slopes with the tail coming off the top on the back/croup. No drop in croup at all to the tail and if they do drop it is nothing like this drop.
These dogs do look completely different. I think the current standard was established about 100 years ago.
Love the last pic with the horse. Adorable...
I wonder if my rescue guy is Olde English. Hmmmmm.
Forgot to say "PIC's"
Sure, Here you go.
Kinda look like Boxers...hmmm I
thought the original bulldog was what is recognized today by the AKC as standard. Thank you for helping me to understand! Why did they start to breed the shorter rounder version?
here are the first bulldogs
this is Crib and Rosa, bulldogs have changed since this look. The standard has not changed for many years. The people breeding for an old english bulldog are trying to get back to this looks.

You can still see the topline in this pix, is the topline of our bulldogs of today. Some other fetures are the same too.
Vicky, Bosco, Bella, Breve' & Holly
Bulldog Club of Greater Seattle
Thank you for clarifying that! do you have
any pics of them side by side so I can see the difference? Thank you!!!!
The "Bulldog"
is the only breed. It's standard (same as today)has been around since the 1800's.
The Olde English is a mixed breed. Not AKC recognized and can be a mix of whatever you like.
Odie, is suppose to be the Olde English Bulldog. He is taller, h
he is not as sensitive to some things like Lady. Lady is 100% AKC standard and I really have to watch her when we are outside. For example, Odie was stung on the muzzle by a yellow jacket this summer. I gave him Benedril(sp?) and watched him, but basically he just shook it off and went on about his business. Except for a little swelling, you could not tell he had been stung. Had it been Lady, I would probably have made an emergency trip to the vet. Odie is sweet as he can be, but is not a standard AKC bulldog.
HELP...Im confused
I thought a bull mastiff and pug were bred back in the old days to create the bulldog. I have seen many variations of the look. and learned that an olde english bulldog is bred with boxer american buldog ect. What is the original bred from? The original meaninng the bulldog that was bred for bull baiting back in the day?
So then
An english bulldog is the original then? And an Olde english bulldog is a mix? The original are a cross between bull mastiff and pug?
not true, they say that to get people to buy the mixed breed
dog for the same or more then a bulldogs.

They mix, bulldog, boxer, american bulldog and other breeds to get the look each person is looking for.
Vicky, Bosco, Bella, Breve' & Holly
Bulldog Club of Greater Seattle