how to pronounce

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how to pronounce

How do you pronounce "Olde English Bulldogge"? Is the "e" silent in "Bulldogge? Do you pronounce it like "Bulldog"? What about "Olde"? Thanks!

well......I guess we need an oldie photo day!

more and more of us each and every day............

makes three

me to lol


Thanks for the info, Julia(?). Whatever way we pronounce that breed, the fact is that my "Big Ben" is an amazing dog. Everything we expected in a pet and more, much more! We love him to death!

Anne M.

Re: This is a good place to ask.

Hi Anne in KY! My dog's name is Big Ben. I'll send some pics maybe tomorrow when I learn how to do it!

Anne M.

This is a good place to ask.

Lots of knowledgeable folks come to this board.
Oh, I have friends in New Hamburg, one whose name is Anne, and in Kitchener.
BTW, what’s your dog’s name? To avoid confusion you could sign “Anne & ……” (putting in the name of your dog). Of course, it would be great if you could post a photo of your Olde English Bulldogge sometime. We’d enjoy that.
I grew up with bulldogs, but I don’t have any pets now, so I’m not sure what I could do with signing my name. Maybe I could put “Anne in KY”, just an idea.

Re: Hi, Anne! There's two of us now!

Lol! I have that problem too, even though my pup is only 4 1/2 months old. People hear the word "Olde" and give her a double-take!

Re: Hi, Anne! There's two of us now!

I am in Toronto, Canada. The reason I asked is because I am constantly being asked what breed my dog is. When I reply "Old English Bulldog" I always specify that he is only 9 months, because I don't want them to think that the adjective "old" refers to his age. Pronouncing the breed "Bull Doggie" would solve the problem...I think!

Hi, Anne! There's two of us now!

I did a double take when I saw your post, because I knew I hadn't asked that question. I'm in Kentucky, how about you?


Olde English Bulldogge is said "Old English Bulldog"  Every once in a while you'll hear "Bulldogge" as "Bull Doggie" but usually only at shows.

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