I didn't realize Kimmie is going to be 10 already, she looks like a baby. How long has it been since you changed her back to the Iam's? Do you still feel her spine, since the food change? Gosh, do I know about those nasty scabby staff infection. I'm almost scared to write this but Lola hasn't had one in about a year, although she got her first UTI and crystals this year. It made me so sad to feel her knobby spine, she's only 4 years old and she weighed 60 lbs last time we went to the vet. Kimmie looks so big in her pictures, I would have never guessed she was such a "petite" girl LOL!! I wouldn't worry too much about feeling her spine, in her case it probably is due to her age, unfortunately, she looks like a spring chicken, LOL! but she's actually a "cougar" may the Good Lord keep her young & healthy forever! I'm trying not to be too sad about my little girl, she has been through so much healthwise, maybe it is the fact that she's been sickly since she was a wee puppy, that has caused her body to "age" or deteriate faster we are going to the vet soon, it'll be interesting to hear what he has to say about it. I'll let you know what he says, thanks for listening, Evelyn