Mocha's cyst started getting worse. As I mentioned in a previous post I have been soaking it in the Epsom Salt with water for 2 weeks. Recently switched her food slowly to Natural Balance fish & sweet potato and added a Salmon Oil to her food. Shouldn't it be better by now??? It's been a total of 3 weeks since it first popped up. What else can I do??
This is what her cyst looks like now!
She also has chin acne that I've been putting the brown listerine on for the past 2 weeks as well. I wipe her mouth almost every time she drinks and eats, use stainless steel bowls and this is what it looks like today: Shouldn't it be better by now??? What else can I do?
Thanks for looking and thanks for any advise!!! I'm feeling very frustrated that I think I'm doing everything I can but not helping her.
Mocha's modeling pic.
looks like she has been licking it
soak her foot in vinegar and water, then put some witch hazel on a cotton ball and rub between, under and ontop of her toe. Let dry and spray with bitter apple. She needs to stop licking it. It will take some time for the food to make a change, wipe her chin with the witch hazel too. It will dry it up.
Bosco, Bella, Breve' & Holly
probably needs a couple of weeks of Cephalexin..

I don't rescue animals because I want to feel better about myself, or morally superior to anyone. The best part of my life with animals is the humility they teach and the humanity the foster.
Jon Katz "Soul of a Dog"
You've got an email
hope it can help
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Cathy Miller
My life is full of bull.
Boogers was like that
and it will start to ooze at this point or soon. I laid on the floor and pushed from underneath and helped it ooze out a little faster. Sure enough, a small black stinger-looking hair oozed out of it. I swore up and down it was a bite or something and everyone told me it was a cyst, which is caused by ingrown hairs, etc. They were right. That was 2 months ago that it was as bad as your baby's and it is just now going away. It oozed out and healed, but the bulge took forever to go away. Slowly but surely.
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Good luck! Just went through this myself. Here is the picture I posted of Booger's, just so you know you are not alone!
Yeah, I think at this point
I've tried mostly everything I can. So antibiotics will definitely help.
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Thank you
Mocha's modeling pic.
to the vet
I would definitely take her to the vet! Mine had one like that, only the whole foot swelled too and the vet put him on antibiotics and steroids for a couple of days. PLUS a cone head for him so he couldn't lick it. Had to soak it too. But the prednisone got the swelling/inflammation down fast.
Thank u...
My boyfriend is going to pick up an e-collar so she can't lick the ointment off!
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I know she is not going to like it.
I've been keeping her occupied with toys, kong filled with PB, chew toys... but she just keeps resorting back to licking the ointment. When there is no ointment she does not lick. She must like the taste of PrepH...Yuck!
Mocha's modeling pic.
I know I'm sounding like a broken record now
I've already checked underneath and nothing there.
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Also I was doing the clorox and water first before I switched to the Epsom salt soaks.
The ointment you mentioned I have not tried yet so off to CVS I go!
Thank you!
Mocha's modeling pic.
any time I used an e collar here..they were measured at the vet
but they do work
you could call and see first.
maybe good day for a good chew bone..
like a knuckle bone or something raw like that
would keep her quiet and busy ..and distract her
I also did that with Bella
I totally understand how you was terrible with Bella..
she had dry feet and had to put this ointment on all 4 paws..
I used booties..they are cheap enough..and easy to find...they worked the best..
leave it is a good command..Bella was really young when she needed these..and wow she was to say the least.
i feel for you
something to take her mind of the sock is what the next step might have to be..
even a good chew toy...i found with a knuckle bone they did not get them often and it kept Bella busy busy busy..
Will she let you touch it? If she will have you checked undernea
if there are any ingrown hairs or stones caught in the fold under where the sore is. Also I think th Clorox and water soak works faster and better that the epsom Salts. You can also get ictheol ointment at the drug store (black drawing salve) and put this on it, it will draw the infection out.
I was thinking that...
You think PetsMart or PetCo carries those? Since vet is closed till Monday.
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Mocha's modeling pic.
I don't think you'd want to put plastic over it...
as the moisture would aggravate it more. I usually tell my dogs to "leave it" and then distract them with something else. Once it's been on a few minutes it pretty much soaks in & does the job. If she won't leave it alone, you might need to put an e-collar on her

Will try
to tie the sock on and leave on longer than 5 mins.
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But the saran wrap I already tried 4 times... I even used guaze tape to keep in on but she ripped it right off too!!! *Sigh
Mocha's modeling pic.
YOU need to do it more often then leave it longer...
I did it with my eyes..they were swollen like balloons..the day before I got married.
I was the hospital and they suggested put the tea bags on and then leave them there for like 20 minutes and then repeat through the really did work good.
I was alergic to something and it really bothered me big time..
I was fine the next day thank goodness..
to keep the socks on Bella.. she had socks on and would take them off ..all the time. I had some baby booties hanging around here and they worked..she could not get it off. the other idea is too tie the socks on..not real tight but with a piece of ribbon..that works good too. maybe you will have to hold her while the meds start to work on her foot..
also you can put on some saran wrap and wrap up the foot that way with the cream on ..that was another trick that i used with Bella and she was the worst..for taking things off her foot..just put on the cream and wrap it in saran..
Yes, tried that too...
but she licks it right off! Even though I wrapped it in plastic wrap and two socks! She wripped it all off and licked all the ointment off!
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Do you have a suggestion on how I can wrap it so she wont lick at it?
Mocha's modeling pic.
I've tried that....
but maybe I didn't leave it on long enough (5 mins).
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How long do you keep it on there for?
Mocha's modeling pic.
Preparation H works great on toe cysts...
just dab it on there several times a day and it'll likely be gone within a day or two. Best to catch them before they get too angry though--but this works great, is easy to do and is inexpensive!
YOU COULD try a cold tea bag....
cold tea bags are good for drawing out infection
I used one for myself the one time and it helped until I got to the doctor
just use a cold one and put it right into the infection and then pat it dry
see how that goes..
you need to do it often but they do truly help..
I will be calling the vet on
Monday to make an appointment but is there any suggestions in the meantime?
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Mocha's modeling pic.
I know...
like i said it just got worse yesterday.
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So now I have to wait till Monday to call the vet.
So was just hoping for some advise as to what I can do in the meantime.
She acts like it doesn't even bother her (doesn't lick or anything) but it definitely looks bad.
Mocha's modeling pic.
She needs a vet...
Farley had acne on the chin like that and needed antibiotics, that toe cyst looks infected. Really, don't wait to get her in. If you can't afford it, look into Care Credit they have some low interest / no interest payment plans. She looks really painful...poor kid.
I may have to take her to the vet. Just really hoping for some advise until I am able to get her there.
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Mocha's modeling pic.
Re: OUCHHHHH has she seen the vet...that looks sore...
No, I haven't taken her to the vet yet only because it just started getting worse yesterday. I thought the home remedies were going to be enough but obviously not. Also financially I was trying to put it off. I am only working part time right now due to the economy. UGH! But if I have to I will of course.
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Mocha's modeling pic.
not sure about the idc, but maybe a trip to the vet is in order for that. for the chin i use an antibiotic cream called mupirocin, i'm sure you can get it from your vet, it clears acne up right away, and is great in a red wrinkle too.
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poor baby....hope she feels better soon
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OUCHHHHH has she seen the vet...that looks sore...
really sore and maybe infected..
has she seen the vet about that..yet..
just a thought
I have no idea on bulldog acne..
do not have that issue with my bulldogs here
wishing Mocha all the best..
looks painful