Frustrated. Help an old timer with a new puppy out... =(

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Julia avatar image

Frustrated. Help an old timer with a new puppy out... =(

I used a different vet when Grover was a puppy, so I feel like a newbie. I also had a different mentality than I've developed over the years... (I vaccinated him for everything, all the time, right away. happy.gif )

I've been with my current vet for 7 years. I never had any problems with Grover, so I never ran into any issues, and I was hardly ever there. Plus, I titered him, so they never really did anything when I was there. happy.gif

Here are my two issues... and I'm curious what you guys do:

- I want to put off Gretl's rabies vaccination for as long as humanly possible and have her immune system as "grown-up" and strong as possible.

- I want to spay her now that she's 6 months old.

The receptionist that answered the phone told me they would not spay her unless she had the rabies vaccine. But I want to spay her before her first heat. But I want to delay the rabies vax. I'm stuck in a vicious circle.

But now my frustration gets worse. I have to leave her overnight. And there is no 24 hour person on staff. When I neutered Grover at my old vet, there was someone there. I'm totally gun-shy now, since losing Grover. I really don't want to leave her overnight, with no one there.

Does anyone do this?

I'm pretty sure I already have a red flag on my chart that says "LUNATIC" but they put up with me. happy.gif I'm not entirely sure they will let me take her home... is that a good idea anyway? I'd much rather leave her. But if no one's THERE, isn't that worse than being with me? It's not like she can dial 911 and call someone. wink.gif

No one around here offers overnight care anymore, so I'm kind of stuck. Is it irrational to ask that I get the earliest possible spay surgery in the morning and take her home that night? Would you leave her?

Help. happy.gif I'm all flustered.

Julia (& Gretl!)

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Website ::: Blog ::: It's Not Over 'Til It's Grover
All photos and designs above copyright Salty Grapes Photography.

Clovis Boo Flynn and Gary's picture

No, I live near New Orleans, but . . .

Julia lives in Connecticut. I forgot which town but I think she is on the coast.




Boo13 New bulldog puppy - 5th photos 014

And click here for puppy photos of Boo & Clovis:

LDeLeo's picture

Julia, I had both of my puppies done the same day

and the lunatic I am sat there during the surgery. They both came home with me a few hours later. They did fine, ust kept them crated.

LDeLeo's picture

Hey this is not related to the topic other than the mention of S

do you live near there?

Julia's picture

I'm going to talk to the actual VET on Wednesday instead of the



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Website ::: Blog ::: It's Not Over 'Til It's Grover
All photos and designs above copyright Salty Grapes Photography.

so what are you going to do??

Julia's picture

Nope, no one comes in in the night... I asked.


They leave for the night and come back in the morning. Yep. I confirmed it. happy.gif Wishful thinking, I know. I had hoped the same.

And transfers are on the owner around here. I did all of Grover's emergency transfers if you recall. The ER hospital is 45 minutes away. So, I'd be the one showing up to transfer her to an ER? Just to go home and pick her up all that way again? LOL... Nah, they wouldn't do that.

I would pay extra to have someone stay overnight! happy.gif Definitely. Oh well...

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Website ::: Blog ::: It's Not Over 'Til It's Grover
All photos and designs above copyright Salty Grapes Photography.

Well said


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reasons to leave her..

they do most likely have someone that comes in during the night to administer meds to the dogs that need them. So she wouldn't be alone all night.

She will be more likely to just sleep and be calm and comfy at the vet's office. Less stress and less chance of pulling anything getting in and out of a car or during the excitement of seeing her mommy.

You can have her transferred to a 24 hour emergency clinic when your vet's office closes. I was offered that option when Junior had his peep surgery. I didn't do it because I figured it would freak him out even more than being there overnight. He was fine.

Totally understand your concern. There should be an option to pay a vet tech to stay with your dog. I would pay for that!

If there was any complication from the surgery, your vet would send her to a 24 hour facility when they close or take her home with him/her.

Elaine's Sig Pic
bT*xJmx*PTEyNTUxMTc5OTczNTkmcHQ9MTI1NTExODAxMzgyOCZwPTczNDgyMSZkPSZnPTEmbz*yNGEwNDJiNjljNTg*OTA1ODAwOGY3NTEyZGI4MTljNSZvZj*w.gif I don't rescue animals because I want to feel better about myself, or morally superior to anyone. The best part of my life with animals is the humility they teach and the humanity the foster.
Jon Katz "Soul of a Dog"

ickytazz's picture

i have never heard in my life to spay after the 1st heat

once they start making estrogen they increase the chance of breast cancer. Everything i have read said spay before 1st heat to decrease the chance of breast cancer. It cuts the chance of cancer by like 90%. The only time to spay after the 1st heat is if they have a inverted vulva, then the swelling from the heat cycle can help.

I agree with males, im not for neutering. Unless you have no idea where your dog is and you let them roam all over to impregnate any dog. Taking testosterone away from a male increases the chance of bone cancer. If you have a agressive dog you need training and cut them off.

Bosco, Bella, Breve' & Holly


My vets philosophy

is the same as yours and if I feel comfortable taking them home he is good with that. She is better off home with someone to watch her then at an unstaffed clinic overnight.

I would talk to your vet directly...not the person answering the phone because they are taught what to say and can't make a judgement call.

As for the Rabies shot question I can't really help. But if they absolutely refuse to do the spay without her having the rabies shot then I would go ahead and get her rabies shot around 6 months. Then schedule her spay for as soon after the shot as possible. Most of these girls don't have their heat cycle right at 6 months and many are 9 months.

agree, spay after 1st heat

Bubbas sister has problems with urinary infection, her girl parts look almost inverted. first heat would have helped her. wait as long as you can for rabies.

Clovis Boo Flynn and Gary's picture

Do you live near Stamford or South Windsor? There's a Camp Bow W

I'm not sure if they have someone present overnight, but they do have web cams that allow clients to look in on their dog.




Boo13 New bulldog puppy - 5th photos 014

And click here for puppy photos of Boo & Clovis:

michelle_muse's picture

I have never had to leave my dogs overnight for that.

Can't you just take her in the morning and tell the vet you want to take her home because you would rather be able to watch her than have her be alone all night.

Michelle, Helen, Penny, Spanky and Faye pup

You could let Liz's puppy nanny watch her too...

lol wink.gif

Happy Valentine's Day!

CathyandAudrey's picture

spay after 1st heat

My vet agreed that it was a good idea to let them have a first heat, the reduction of mammary tumors is still very signifigant as long as you spay before the second heat. The risk of bone cancer increases if you spay/neuter before the first birthday, in some breeds more than others, but especially in large/large boned breeds.
It's interesting how differnt vets do things. Mine does not have anyone there all night either, so he makes you sign an agreement before the surgery saying you understand that you HAVE to pick your dog up that evening, and that you agree to take the dog to the all night emergency hospital if they require overnight care. He won't let them stay alone in the empty hospital overnight. I can't imagine why it would be safer for a dog to be alone after surgery than home where she'll be comforatble and watched.
NC law says rabies vaccine must be given by 4 months old, so I would think that by 6 mos it would be OK. I'd still want to wait a bit after the shot to do the surgery though.

when she first came home

tmichaud's picture

Sanford stayed overnight BUT my vet has overnight tech's on duty

And I called every 2 hours just to make sure they were really there and they were great about giving me the blow by blow on what and how he was doing.

As for the rabies thing I can't offer any guidance on that one, sorry.

Julia's picture

Right, that would be my next option...

Bring her to Liz's office. happy.gif Hahaha.

But I'd LIKE to work out a mutual agreement with my vet. I'm really hoping it's just the person who answered the phone...

We'll see. happy.gif

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Website ::: Blog ::: It's Not Over 'Til It's Grover
All photos and designs above copyright Salty Grapes Photography.

ickytazz's picture

ask that the vet call you back

so you can discuss your concerns, they know how you work since you have been a client for 9 yrs.

If they will not work with you, you might let them know you will be looking for another vet. I would also consider going to your breeders vet since they have seen the dog before she is not new and Liz is great and can be very helpful.


Bosco, Bella, Breve' & Holly


I am a lunatic too!

I recently had my daughter's kitten spayed and I flat out refused to leave her overnight.
I would probably be red flagged if Stella had to have surgery as I would want to gown up and be in the room.

Tiffany and Stella

chrissyBella's picture

gee I wouldn't leave her either, with Bella they made us have he

she is my first dog I didn't know anything different but she had her shots and when she got spayed we dropped her off in the morning and picked her up late afternoon, I would never leave her there with NO one around, what if something happend in the middle of the night.. that's just crazy, getting spayed is so routine I didn't think anyone kept the dogs over night, again Bella is my first though.

Hope everyone has a great day

Roxanne2211's picture

Maybe ...

you could give her Rabies shot now . I also think 6 months is a OK time to give it ( just not before 6 months ) and then wit 2-3 weeks and have her spayed . I dont think she will go into heat before then . As everyone else said , I would insist on taking her home . They really cant legally keep your dog if you dont want them to , but they will probably make you sign a release which I am sure you will be happy to do wink.gif

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Roxanne & Layla

we all understand

I think they just want her to be quiet, if it was me I would definately take her home, she can be in a crate with you being able to watch her and make sure she is ok rather than being left alone, I can't see the harm,

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Julia's picture

*** Thanks everyone. Wow! =)

I'm so glad to know you all took your pups home that night. That makes me feel better that it IS possible. Better yet, one of my closest friends also uses this vet and is in vet tech school... and they know that. happy.gif And her husband is an EMT/firefighter. So I have her on hand if I need her. And they know that.

Plus, I'm intimately familiar with the ER vet having been there with Grover in September. sad.gif

Will be interesting to see what my vet says about this rabies vs. spay thing. I'm definitely having a harder time with this vet than I did with the owner... he was wonderful for years, but is now retiring. She defers to him regularly when it comes to me... wink.gif But I'm getting tired of having to constantly be on the defensive.

I'm just out of luck with this whole rabies by a certain date and spayed by a certain date because of doggie daycare requirements and whatnot.


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Website ::: Blog ::: It's Not Over 'Til It's Grover
All photos and designs above copyright Salty Grapes Photography.

judy wilson's picture

i signed a release ....

i refused to leave charlie over nite as their was no one their....he had had eye surgery and one retained testicle and he has sb...i did not him sitting in poop or pee..... i signed a release....and off we went....i did wait till closing time 9pm...he just slept all nite....
as for rabies its a state law...i do my first then my three your rabies at least two months prior to spaying....or two months after....
and talk to your vet the front end people have no say...they just repeat what their told....if you have a good relatioship with your vet...they should be happy to work with you....

rabies and "fixin"

bruce and jackie both got theyre rabies shots when they where 5 month old and i dont thin it harmed them in any way.... besides ,i take them to the dog park a lot so i like to have them n every possible vaccine i can get ( i do the same for myself) .

bruce got fixed when he was 6 month ( i think) and i didnt have to leave him... i droped him off at 7am and i got to pick him up at 5pm the same day .

i wouldnt leave my dogs anywhere overnight if noone is there at the clinic to watch over them ... heard to many scary stories .

jackie stayed at the vet over night when she had her entropion surgery (by choice though cause i know she wouldnt sit still in her crate or the couch) but they have staff there 24/7 .

hope i could help happy.gif give that wild girl of yours a smooch

huggs and sloppy kisses

jenny and bruce

I wouldn't leave her overnight w/o anyone there

That makes no sense to me. The whole point in having her stay at the clinic is so that the nursing staff can monitor her recovery. If they do not provide that service then I would take her elsewhere. How do they deal with round the clock patients recovering??? Kind of makes me wonder.

Also, vaccinations are not something that can be enforced, it's not something that any owner HAS to do but it's recommended. It's the vet's choice to refuse spay without your rabies shot essentially. That said, if you are really wanting to use the vet you did with Grover I would speak to him/her personally about the issue.

If they will let you take her home after, take her home

theres no need to leave them overnight - its usually just so they come out of the anesthesia fully, as long as you understand that she's going to be groggy and it shouldn't be problem. I could see if there was someone at the hospital over night, but where there isn't, whats the point of making her stay? Just to charge you the overnight boarding fee?

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Spay surg

My vet doesn't make you leave the dog overnight for a spay. What is the reason you vet does this? I'm pretty sure my file says "NUT' also happy.gif I have a good relationship with my vet too, but I ask a million questions & call several times if one of mine is having something done. I just had the experience of leaving one overnight for the first time a few weeks ago & I hated every minute of it. No overnight staff, but my vet would NOT let my dog go home until the next day. It was for a tail surgery. They wanted the dog to stay so they could adminster fluids & pain meds. My dog was fine happy.gif I was a wreck! As for the rabies, I have always given them around six months old, the one dog I decided to hold off until it was older, got demodex. happy.gif Best of luck Gretl will be fine. YOur nerves probably won't be happy.gif



I have never left a dog- male or female-

overnight following a spay/neuter. If you are not comfortable doing that, then find another vet. Gretle is your dog. Your property. Your baby. If you dont want her to be there overnight then dont go along with that. End of story. What are they keeping her overnight for? Observation? Noone will be there to observe her!

As for the rabies vac., I doubt you will find a vet willing to wait past 6 months for that and still do a surgery... but if you are calling around for good vet that will also let her go home that evening, then ask about the rabies vac. while you're at it.

As for being a lunatic, think about it. You are a very worried mama. They are vet.s offices. Do you really think you are the only worried mama they deal with on a daily basis? I wouldnt worry about that at all. You should be proud of it! happy.gif

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B_Tracey's picture

I would talk directly to the vet..

I love my vet where I go, but I'm not necessarily the biggest fan of the clinic/receptionists. They stick to the clinics bible word for word... and last time even told me I HAD to vaccinate. My vet, however, is much more "holistic" of mind I guess you would say, and doesn't necessarily stick to the clinic's policies if they don't benefit my dog or stick to my beliefs. So I would talk directly to the vet about your concerns and see if he/she will work with you. If not, maybe it is time for another vet.

I am also a non-vaccinator (new word) as well (although Mavie did get the whole she-bang as a puppy), but I think you'd be safe giving the rabies vaccine at 6 months, especially if not in conjunction with other vaccines. If you search on-line (or e-mail me) there are several holistic supplements you can give in preparation for the vaccine as well to help the immune system.

If you are sure you want to spay before her first heat I would probably go ahead with the vaccinations, but make sure to leave time between the shot and the spay for her immune system to recover. Otherwise, I would probably just wait to spay until after her first couple heats (again, my view on things) and get her her rabies when you feel comfortable.

As for leaving her alone, I think that's up to your comfort level again. I don't see why if she's the first dog in in the morning you couldn't take her home if there isn't 24 hour care. The only risk I could see to taking her home is if her stitches opened, or something, but as long as you're watching and have an emergency number, I don't see how it's any different if you left her there alone.

they always come home same day

Julia, my girls and boys have always come home the same day after spay/neuter surgery.
They are tired and a little out of it, but if you keep them calm and no jumping, we have never had any problem.
With my girls, I usually set up a soft comfy spot with blankets and they were ok.
you might have to get up to let her out to potty during the night, but that was about it.
As far as rabies, I waited until 6 months and had no problem, but it might be some kind of law that the vet cannot do her spay without rabies, since she will be around other animals.

hugs to the baby girl

RobinandLeo's picture

my thoughts

I think 6 months is an OK age to give Rabies, if the dog hasn't had any health issues to drag down its immunity.
However, I don't normally spay until after the 1st heat. I've read some studies that bitches spayed prior to their 1st heat are more likely to have incontinence problems when they are older than those spayed later. I know Vets cite mammary tumors, cancers, etc. as the reason to spay young, but the risk percentages of cancer, tumors, etc. don't go up dramatically by waiting until after the 1st heat.
Also, I've never left a dog overnight for a routine spay, and certainly wouldn't if there wasn't going to be anyone there with the dog - what would be the reason? I'd rather make an extra trip to the Clinic in the morning if they wanted to check on her. Now if the Vet was willing to take the dog home with them, I could handle that.

AmyandSophia's picture

I brought Sophia home the same day.

I wouldn't leave one overnight anyway, but especially not without an overnight staff person on duty. Too many things can happen.

I had Sophie's rabies shot at 4 months with no issues, and Isabella had hers at 3 months (my vet snuck that shot in....not on purpose, but he didn't know I wanted to wait and I didn't know he was giving it to her!) Both did fine with the rabies shot.

Amy and Sophia

Not much help Julia....

But wanted you to know that I'm sending you lots of hugs happy.gif

Geez, Tillie was about 18 months when she was spayed, as you know she didn't come to us until 16 months. And I did leave her over night. I was nervous of course, but I honestly trusted my vets office at the time. Now, with all the stories I've heard in recent years on the board etc, I'd probably be a wreck.

Not much I can offer you, other than support for whatever you decide! happy.gif

Smooch her for me,

Happy Valentine's Day!

Rhonda_Winnie and Shooter's picture

I agree

I picked Winnie up the same day. I took her in early and picked her up @ closing.

winnie close up

Spay surgery...

I have always brought my bullies home after surgery vs. leaving them at the vet with no one there. I even had one of my girls spayed and she had palate surgery at the same time and I brought her home the same day. My vet will give us the phone number of the vet that is on call, just in case something should happen in the middle of the night. The spay surgery is like having a c-section and the momma's always go right home with the babies. Gretl will be very sleepy when she first comes home. I can't help you with the rabies vaccination because I use the old school vaccination schedule. You are not a lunatic!!, just maybe a little psycho!!! HEHEHE, that is what my family says about me when it comes to the bullies!! Good luck!

Vickie, Lily, Nemo, Nora, JR, Harper, Max and Angel Spike!

Michelle and Georgia's picture

Bring her home..

I all our years of having dogs they have never had to stay over for spay/neuter. They have all come home the same day. I would not want to leave overnight if no one is there. Knock wood --there has never been a problem. Hope I am not asking for trouble now that I just booked Georgias spay today..LOL

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Jacinda and the bullies's picture

I have left them overnight

With no one there and it was really scary. I would talk to the Vet, explain your concerns and hope they will let you bring her home. I think 6 months is ok to give rabies.

Myspace Comments, Glitter Graphics at

I'm with you...

I would not leave her overnight with no one there and I thought spaying was a same day surgery.

I would talk to the Vet directly and voice your concerns about the stay and your thinking on the rabies. As they are the doctor they can veto the receptionist.

Hope it all works out.

Roxanne2211's picture


at what age would you like to give her the rabies vaccine ? I only ask, because that may help answer whats best . She may not go into heat for a few more months , and although spaying before she comes into her first heat reduces the chances of mammary tumors , I dont think the risk is really that high . So you could wait awhile for both .

Layla is 10 months old and she doesnt have her Rabies vaccine yet either .... nor is she spayed . I am also holding out on the Rabies vaccine .

I dont blame you for not wanting to leave her unattended. I hate that ! and dont know that I would leave a bulldog unattended after surgery . Too many repiratory risks for these guys . Is there no vet at all nearby that is 24 hrs ? I would definitely URGE your vet to do the surgery as early as possible and let you take her home . Is there a ER Vet nearby though , in case she would have a problem during the night ?

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Roxanne & Layla

Dolly came home the same day...

After her spaying. She went in first thing & came home at 4 or 5 pm same day. She was kinda groggy but could walk around & function just fine. Unless some complication arises, it looks like it would be better for Gretl to come home & have all night care. I don't know about the Rabies thing---I just do what they tell me on that. Good Luck! happy.gif

Pretty Please...
2242010dollystepsgeese 008

Cathie Chopper and Stitch's picture

You shouldn't have to leave her over night

I agree that it's absurd to ask you to leave your dog overnight when no one is there. I'm also surpised that they ask you to do this. When I had Sage and Harley spayed, it was done in the morning and they came home in the evening. Shop for another vet.

onslowsmom's picture

Same problem here no-one overnight. =(

I took him home after his neuter but it's less invasive than a spay. And I've never had a female. I told the vet if I wasn't taking him home that I'd be bringing my sleeping bag. LOL

I would wait on the rabies too, as LONG as you can. Onslow got demodex shortly after his shot and I'm pretty darn sure that his immune system wasn't ready for it (kick my self in the butt for that - I wish I waited till at least 9 months-year, got it at 6 months).

Again I've never had a girl so I have no idea what you are up against with her going into heat but I'm pretty sure it's better to have that happen than the demodex.

Good luck Julia, it can be frustrating.

'Twas not my lips you kissed
But my soul ~ Judy Garland
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bulldogmomma2's picture

what we did...

My vet always let my girls go home with me that early evening( get there a few minutes before they closed)with a spay...and I had some problems with Marley, she had a IV with wrap still on her leg for fluids the next day.I personally, rather have them home, as long as the spay went ok, and have them in their own environment..Plus, you will be able to medicate for pain if needed.Their own bed, smells,sounds, toys laying around.I would go crazy with worry if they were there at the vet overnight, esp.with no one there..Thats how we do it here...
sorry, no advice on the rabies:(

much bully love~Christine, Dupree, Marley and Savannah

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