FEMUR BONES - Here are the pictures I took. It took Odie less than thirty seconds to

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FEMUR BONES - Here are the pictures I took. It took Odie less than thirty seconds to

bite into and split these femur bones. I bought them at PetSmart and threw them away immediately after they split.


You think dogs will not be in Heaven? I tell you, they will be there long before any of us.

Robert Louis Stevenson


Fresh raw from the butcher are the best. They should not splinter but after time they can chew off small pieces around the edges just like on a nylabone. I don't worry about these because they pass through the digestive system just fine.

The ones I was talking about

was from the meat market, fresh, raw. Do these splinter as well? Also, what about Pork Neck Bones? Are these safe and would I need to boil them. Thank you all so much for your help.

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