I am posting here to get a quicker response.Marley has had them in the past, but never lasted this long, like 20 minutes! When she first had them, we went to our vet, blood work is fine etc..I used the usual,cheese, ice, peanut butter and vanilla ice cream..don't have Karo syrup, will be on my list..but shes running around trying to avoid me shoveling peanut butter in her mouth..shaking her head..then tries to "shake them off" then they began again..sometimes a good head shake gets rid of them, but not this time..when I get the Karo syrup, which one should get?Anymore tips, let me know..its so hard not to panic, and I try very hard not too, but shes running from me!My others are like "how come she gets all the snacks?"LOL
much bully love~Christine, Dupree, Marley and Savannah
I agree a food changed helped my jackson and spike
Have you tried a food change?
That is what resolved Sophias head tremors. She was on TOTW when they started, I put her on Natural Balance and they stopped almost right away.
Amy and Sophia
Thanks, have not thought of that..
she just stopped and is now exhausted, I have to leave for a few hrs and a bit nervous...
much bully love~Christine, Dupree, Marley and Savannah
Head tremors...
I can stop Zimmer's with a piece of kibble. Try pancake syrup instead of Karo syrup. I'll email you some info.
Cathy & Zimmer
MidAtlantic Bulldog Rescue is a NJ Non Profit Corporation and a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization.
Thanks everyone..
we havent had a food change in a long time..We were just saying how she hasnt had a head tremor in awhile...ugh, I knew better then to say anything!!My male has allergies to certain foods, and she was just eating what he ate...will go check the ingredients of their food:)I like the qtip idea, she was running away and head bobbing, just didn't look right!What is in the food that you think could cause the tremors?
thanks all!!
btw:she is 5.5 yrs old
much bully love~Christine, Dupree, Marley and Savannah
try karo/syrup on a qtip
dip the end of the q-tip in the karo/syrup and rub it on her gums. You can usually hide the q-tip in your hand so she can't see it coming and then you don't have the stress of running around with a spoon chasing her. Just a thought.
Nelia Duarte