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I make them all line up and they have to sit for their treats. Well usually that's what happens but today I had the camera so of course they had to be stubborn, lol.
Submitted by rottigirl on August 30, 2007 - 8:51am.
Morgan looks like he's pouting in that one pic. lol - Weren't the treats the kind he liked? I have a hard enough time with two - can't try to get three lined up. You have a whole kennel full! Now THAT would be a group shot!
Submitted by keg_52 (not verified) on August 30, 2007 - 8:12am.
perfect read of those faces, Jacinda. You speak dog!!
#1 is so happy to do whatever for a cookie. #2 is not so sure about the work being worth the treat. And Morgan is over it because he knows he's gettin a cookie anyway! LOL Too cute.
That darn Cathie always makes it look so easy. I've yet to get a pic of my 3 together in their Mickey Mouse ears.
Submitted by Cody1970 on August 30, 2007 - 7:54am.
And we got some cookie jar going on there...I love that pose. Morgan just wasn't feelin' the love from the camera. And that can't possibly be Chief, can it? Oh my goodness, he is getting so big, so fast!
How cute
I love that last pic, priceless!
Darcy, Sherman and Camy
Bunch of cuties
The best luck I've had getting three in one photo has been on a park bench and the tailgate of my car.
Jacinda I can relate to that!!!! its allot of work getting all t
heehee - good try! At least you got them all in the picture!
cute pics!
I love the look on Morgan's face!
Oh goodness;---
you're bullies are SOOOO cute-& well behaved too!!
Those are adorable pictures of your gang!
so cute..
that picture make me smile.
Molly, Sean and Mabel
Morgan looks like he's pouting in that one pic. lol - Weren't the treats the kind he liked?

I have a hard enough time with two - can't try to get three lined up. You have a whole kennel full! Now THAT would be a group shot!
created by ME!
Morgan is a stubby guy isn't he?!
oh they are all very cute....I love Morgan's brindle coat
They're beautiful
I especially like the second pic! cute
Karen and Ozzy
too funny
the 3rd picture cracked me up
Cute oics-sweet babies, even though cantankerous sometimes
LOL Gotta love bulldogs...
perfect read of those faces, Jacinda. You speak dog!!
#1 is so happy to do whatever for a cookie. #2 is not so sure about the work being worth the treat. And Morgan is over it because he knows he's gettin a cookie anyway! LOL Too cute.
That darn Cathie always makes it look so easy. I've yet to get a pic of my 3 together in their Mickey Mouse ears.
Last picture
made me laugh. Poor Morgan just wanted to lay with the froggy legs out, lol! The whole group is gorgeous!
They are all SOOOO Darn CUTE! I want 3 Bulldogs...that would be sooo much fun!!!
that third pic is awesome!! LOL!!

I can't believe how big Chief is getting!!
Dawn, Nate & Stryker
Those three are so funny!
And we got some cookie jar going on there...I love that pose. Morgan just wasn't feelin' the love from the camera. And that can't possibly be Chief, can it? Oh my goodness, he is getting so big, so fast!

You call him a dog...I call him my heartbeat!
Ha ha!
Good morning you guys!!!

Looking good!
Aww Morgan, join the rest....I love the captions!!