Carol Diana Fergie Ollie and Chance avatar image

This type of forum is one I avoid. I don't use

Bulldogdomain at all due to it being in this type of forum.  It is too much information and too may choices on one page.  This type of overload of info makes posting a higher learning curve for many people.  Remember you should be targeting the average 5th grade adaptability, and believe me, as an educator, most high school seniors have troubles navigating all the options on any one of these pages.  Remember  whom you are serving.  This change makes me almost finished with this BDW!


And always Winston, gone but not forgotten!

BDWAdmins's picture

What exactly do you mean by...

"I want to scroll thorough it like before" ?

Are you referring to this view?




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Carol Diana Fergie Ollie and Chance's picture

No, by scrolling I mean exactly like the old format. There is

too much PC gobblydgook crap in the message section after I choose the preview button.  It does not show it how it will exactly look once posted.  I am still trying to figure out your instructions on posting a pic to my signature, since that disappeared in the switch over.


And always Winston, gone but not forgotten!

BDWAdmins's picture

Oh! I may have a solution for you if you are talking about ...

The text entry area - just hit "disable rich-text", located just below the text area box and too the left, and you'll get a plain text area just like in the old forum.



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CathyandAudrey's picture

I think having all the choices on one page makes it easier!

it's so simple! You can pretty much choose whatever you could possibly want to do all from one page. No flip flopping back and forth, and it's ALL available to you right in front of you.


Cathy and Audrey