Michelle Plankton Squidward and Viper avatar image

Viper and Squid...

Viper kissing his Big Brother for Valentine's Day...

and most likely irritating his Big Brother...

being nice again...

Viper is a pistol.  :)

Sarah P.'s picture


Sweet babies


Meet Cupcake (born May 15, 2011) and Biscuit (born December 2, 2011)

ohhh Viper

You are so misunderstood.  I would let you kiss me, with no stink eye at all,  EVER!

Love Kippah




Loves and Smooches, Kippa and Mama (Annette)


AAWW! So sweet!

AAWW! So sweet!


Pegsy's picture

they r soooooooo cute!!!!

they r soooooooo cute!!!!

Emma's picture

What a pair of cuties!

so adorabull

karonelaine's picture

Oh the love!.

That is just to sweet. Viper kissing up for the ball.  Still I know you love your big brother. 



lol ya couldnt fit Squidy in the bed too eh?

Poor Squidy left outta the fun :)


Last steps taken May 26, 2014 -- Been rolling along ever since . . . . 

ment to say Plankton - sorry 415am coffee brewing!

Sorry Plankton buddy :P I ment there wasnt enough room for you ! :)


Last steps taken May 26, 2014 -- Been rolling along ever since . . . . 

Céline and Angel Stella's picture

Such cuties

I just love those boyz of yours...

AmyandSophia's picture

LOL! Does that boy EVER slow down?!

He is so cute:-) Happy Valentines Day you guys:-)


Amy and Sophia

Sue-Bear's picture

the boys

Viper, always with a ball within mouth's reach :)



All photos are copyright and cannot be used.


KarenandRocco's picture

awwww ; they are quite the pair! is he sharing his jolly ball?



Rocco "The Bull" Capone