Vern-Rory-Teresa avatar image

Vern is a party animal!!!!

Saturday we attended our first ever bulldog event.  It was hosted by West Michigan Bulldog Rescue and our vet, Dr. Carpenter's Family Friend's Vet Hospital of Grand Rapids.  There were lots of bulldogs and we even met two Frenchies - so cute!!!

Before the event Vern got a new harness - so he could look extra handsome and be safe.

At the event Vern & my son Jacob played bowling w/bullies and plinko and won lots of prizes for Vern.  I apologize for not having any pics of the actual event - we were having so much fun talking w/everyone and looking at all the bullies that we didn't take any pics (I know we suck).

Then on the way home - Vern begged to go back so he could play w/the dogs....especially his best friend a young brindle female puppy.

  He was so well behaved, I was very impressed.  He hasn't been around other dogs since his last obedience class a couple of months ago and I was a bit apprehensive.  I know that an owner's energy is easily read by their dog, so I took a deep breath, acted calm & non-challant and he did the same.  He was very polite and well-behaved, nothing but a proper gentleman!

He snored like a bugger when he got home.....visiting with all those bullies wipes a guy out!!

Shannon and Winston's picture

sounds like an awesome weekend!

I wish there was an event like that closer to Winston and I!!  It sounds like it would be a blast...glad that Vern minded his manners!! :)


Shannon and Winston :)

My swimming bully buddy!

My swimming bully buddy!

we're dying for the next Bullyfest in NJ :)

its in April... we were hoping there would be some type of gathering in October....  anyone know of any? :) :) :) have Dog will Travel ;)


Last steps taken May 26, 2014 -- Been rolling along ever since . . . . 

Sounds like a great day for a great cause

I'm sure he is dreaming of his new love.


Lynn King CPDT-KA

Deborah and the NC gang's picture

sounds like allot of fun...he is just too sweet and handsome

Monica-Maude-Gus's picture

I love Vern!

Yes, I had to confess that!!  Your boy is totally handsome, fun loving and a gentleman.  What more could any woman want???

I love the photo of him in the car begging to go back.  So sweet.


Monica, Maude and Gus

SNACPete's picture

Awesome guy!

I bet it was alot of fun! How do you bowl with a bully?  He's a beautiful guy!



Vern-Rory-Teresa's picture

Thanks - bowling was cute -

Thanks - bowling was cute - they had 2 liter bottles mostly filled w/water and the dog & handler had to walk through & knock over as many bottles as possible.....easy for a bullie (hard for them to NOT knock stuff down)!

Céline and Angel Stella's picture

Woop, woop!

Vern, you are one handsome party animal!  I'm sure that girlie bully is still thinking about you!

karonelaine's picture

Vern you are just to cool.

Look at that smile. No wonder you are the party animal would not be a party without you. Are you taken lessons from onslow?



ArchimedesMommy's picture

sounds like a blast!!! I hope to go to a bully event sometime..

love all your piks (he's SO ador-a-BULL), but my fave is the one of him in the car, his facial expression is soo excited.....soooo cute!!!  :-) 


Our sweet Archimedes "MEATY" Bones (or as we say...boneSHHH!)    ---born 11/28/08---- our first bullllyyyy!!!

And  SOPHIE  Bubbles *Rapscallion*   (LOL!) ---born 4/3/11----our second bulllllyyyy!!!!