Kristine 517 avatar image

Nipping and jumping...make it stop!

hey everyone. We are officially bulldog owners again. After a 2.5 year break we just rescued another English bulldog. Her name is Bailey and she is about 11-12 months old. She is great. Loving, housetrained and is VERY active. I have never experienced this in my other bullies but she nips at feet and hands a lot. Especially when wants to play. She gets a lot of attention/walks and okay as I have 2 kids. If you are sitting on couch she will nip and feet and jump at you trying to get attention. I understand she wants to play but it’s becoming a major problem. Even when eating dinner she nips at feet. Sometimes she barks at you too while doing it. I know she’s a puppy still but I need tips on how to rid this behavior.  Thank you!!

Kathy Chester Newman and Jessa's picture

She's getting a little old for nipping...

those jaws are more powerful at 11 months.  When she does it give her a firm NO and give her a chew toy instead.  You can also try an empty soda can with some pennies in it and tape over the opening.  Give it a good shake, most of them hate the noise and it will stop whatever they are doing.  Give her a treat when she's being good.  A lot of patience is needed and it can take a while, but she will learn if you are consistent.  Chester was a nipper and our grandkids would run screaming from him which only made him worse.

Kristine 517's picture

Thank you. That is helpful

Thank you. That is helpful and reassuring. I’m not sure what was allowed in her previous home but we can’t tolerate it.  I’m going to try the Can and see if it helps. I’ll keep you updated. 

AmyandSophia's picture

Good info!

You can also use a spray bottle with water in it. Every time she starts the unwanted behavior, spray her and say a stern NO. Then when she responds correctly praise her and then walk away. Don't reward her bad behavior by paying more attention to her.

Also make sure you are not causing the behavior to worsen by walking fast o running from her, or that your kids aren't running from her. No playing with her motuh at all. No tickling it, pinching it, etc. She will see these things as you asking her to "play" and she will continue to do the nipping and biting. 

No hitting ever. They just get more stubborn about behaving that way.


Amy and Sophia

Kristine 517's picture

Well after a few days the can

Well after a few days the can definitely gets her attention and makes her stop but then she barks. So one part is getting better but she’s starting other bad behavior. I’ll keep at her but she is def the most difficult bullie I have owned. Im optimistic though.