Hi everyone! This is my first post, I have a 4 month old bulldog. He came out with a tail that is longer than most and has 2 kinks in it, almost like it tried to curl up but failed :) I was wondering if anybody else has a bully with a long tail? I would love to see pics if you do!
We don't have that issue, Winston has what I like to call a "cinnamon roll" for a tail :) I know a few others have experience with "kinked tails" so I'm sure they'll chime in.
We'd love to see pics of your precious puppy in the mean time!!
Shannon and Winston :)
My swimming bully buddy!
Welcome...here's Zimmer's tail
Cathy & Zimmer
i always love Zimmers tail just too cute
Deborah & the NC gang
Otis tail!
I hope this picture posts! Thanks for the replies..i love zimmers tail! I am happy to not have any tail issues, and I love to see it wag in all directions..but people give us a hard time about it. I feel like every time i take him out i am getting asked when i am docking his tail or how come he doesnt have a "normal" bulldog tail.
what a cutie!
He has such a cute little mug!!
this is probably the best pic I have on my work computer of Winston's "cinnamon roll"
Shannon and Winston :)
My swimming bully buddy!
Rocco's tail pic! Seeing everyones giving some tail! lol
I wouldn't worry about his little tail he's a doll!
ooops here's his tail lol
Otis' tail is good! The people who talk to you about getting it docked don't know Bulldogs and that there are Bulldoggers who might have tail envy over Otis' tail. I have a girl with a tail about this length. Love to see it wag! He's cute, too.
Hi! Welcome to this GREAT site!!! We'd LOVE to see piks! And..
dunno if you've already perused this site, but you will learn A LOT here, and we all love love love piks, too!!! :-)
I've read TONS about bullies, and their tails can definitely differ a lot. Meaty's is like a tight coil (as Shannon says--
like a "cinnamon roll"---love that!) and Sophie's is maybe an inch long and sooo cute! We weren't used to seeing
a wagging tail, so it makes us giggle! :-)
Our sweet Archimedes "MEATY" Bones (or as we say...boneSHHH!) ---born 11/28/08---- our first bullllyyyy!!!
And SOPHIE Bubbles *Rapscallion* (LOL!) ---born 4/3/11----our second bulllllyyyy!!!!
Sarge's kinked tail
We are new bulldog owners and weren't sure if we were supposed to bob his tail or not. We decided not to and this post makes me feel much better about not bobbing it. (Sarge's tail. He's sleeping)