Hey everybody,
My little man developed a bad limp in his left rear leg. We went o the vet yesterday and got X rays. Doc said he was so tense he couldn't get a good picture and needs to sedate him but there is so me major swelling and he suspects a torn ACL. So for now we are on meds for 7 days to get the swelling down/manage pain and next Wednesday he'll be sedated for another X ray.
sending prayers your way Zapper~~~~keep us updated Dave
gracie went through xrays and they discovered she is very arthritic...
Deborah & the NC gang
oh zap-master!!
you know you are in our thoughts. hope it's nothing bud. feel better soon!
smooches !
Mack 'n' Tillie Mae Mack
attitude is altitude!
please keep us updated
Kim, Remy Le Beau, Lord Sebastian, and Sir Oliver
Keep him quiet...no running/jumping etc.
I've dealt with this situation 3 times now. First two times I went the surgery route, but last time I kept her confined to a 3x6 kennel almost all of the time for a couple months and she's now walking normally again. My vet was ready to do surgery right away, but her breeder suggested I try crate rest first.
I hope he just gets better over the next week and you don't even have to worry about it!
Heather, Jack, Rosie, and Thor
Good thoughts for him Dave
Onslow tore his partially and the vet told me that a tear can't be seen on an x-ray? My vet simply did the drawer test to determine that it was torn. http://dogkneeinjury.com/drawer-sign-test-and-tibial-compression-exam/
Def. keep him off it at all times unless he is going out to do his business. We rested Onslow for close to 3 months and he has fully recovered. You've seen him run jump and bounce around playing in his videos. If Zap isn't already, get him on glucosamine. Hopefully Zap can make a full recovery without surgery as well.
I agree with Lisa had this with Rocky
We use Source Naturals Glucosamine sulfate 1000mg a day it took a good 3 months of bed rest. Rocky made a full recovery.
I hope it is only a small tear and that Zap will heal without having to have surgery. Give him a BIG HUGE for me.
I will keep him in my prayers.
Jo Ann
Lots of prayers for Zapper....
Dave, Sophie had a bad limp for a while, I kept her quiet and let her rest and she is fine. I will be praying for Zapper...lots of crate rest for that boy, and hopefully it isn't a full tear. They can heal from a partial tear without surgery has been my experience.
Amy and Sophia
everything turns out fine for your boy and eveyone who loves him.
Oh goodness!
Hope the meds work and also hope its only a sprain!! Its good to see you two again and I hope all is well!
PollyAnna's Words of Wisdom
Sending you & Zapper good thoughts....
poor guy, please keep us posted!
Cathy & Zimmer
:( poor Zap.. but Dave let me tell you that we went through this
over a year ago, they said partial torn ACL, and arthritis after having her sedated and xrays done, also a "floating knee cap" then she met with Ortho DR who said same thing, need surgery etc.. but some days we noticed she limped alot and some was ok, so we decided if she could get around and seemed pain free we didn't want to put her through this surgery with long recovery etc.. so we kept her quiet and started using the Cosequin and rimadyl and somedays she might limp a little mainly only after a day at camp but she is fine... we are so happy we waiting and didn't do the surgery... just saying... Onslowsmom did the same thing and he healed... hopefully Zap is fine.. I guess if it's a full tear u have no choice but we will be praying for the crazy boy !
Dave, I will keep the Zapster in my prayers
I feel so bad for both of you. Keep him as quiet and rested as you can in this next week. Maude strained her ACL about 18 months ago and we were able to avoid surgery with crate rest. I know that you are in a different situation but the rest can only help him right now.
Of course this happens right at tax time -- I can see from your photo that Zapper is frantically trying to get his paperwork done before next week.
Monica, Maude and Gus
I hope it minor...
Goodluck to him!! Frankie had a torn ACL, she was suppose to get the surgery and had another issue so she couldn't. It ended up healing itself, not sure if it helped but we had her on Consequin DS. I think it depends on how bad it is and also active your dog is but hopefully he will soon be back to normal!
You got it!
Maybe you've been working him too hard at the office :) Looks like he's gotten into shredding now.
Seriously though, hopefully he just pulled something and with some R'n'R and the meds the inflamation will go down and all will be right again.
Poor Zapper
He'll be in our thoughts today.
good thoughts
heading out to you and Zapper. Keep us posted.
All photos are copyright and cannot be used.
Well cwap! Best thoughts for Zapper
and you.
And always Winston, gone but not forgotten!
Zapper!!! Sending my best wishes....
prayers and positive vibes for you today little buddy!!!
Poor Zap
I'll be thinking good thoughts for him, Dave.
Activity restriction - YUCK. But, it's definitely the way to go. Good luck - keep us posted!
Poor Zapper
Hoping nothing is actually torn and crate rest works wonders.
Best wishes are on the way! Get well soon, Buddy!
Suse & Lulu /Germany
Poor Zapper! I'll definitely
Poor Zapper! I'll definitely be keeping my fingers crossed for him, and you.
Thank you very much everyone !
Zap man has been on glucosamine for years. I guess he injured it somehow and we do have a lot of steps.
You have to be really careful w/steps...
I ended up helping Frankie by supporting and lifting her torso some when she went up the stairs after her injury and she never limped again.
aww Zapper...
will definitely be thinking about him and hoping for the best.
Sending prayers to Zapper
My girl Josie had this problem, thankfully she did not have to have surgery. We made sure she got lots of rest and we built a ramp for the two steps to go outdoors. I think that helped. I hope Zapper gets better soon.
Peggy and Stoney
Xray and CCL
In animals the ligament is called a CCL (Cranial Cruciate Ligament). I never understand why some vets don't use the corrrect canine term. An xray won't show a torn ligament. Does the vet think there is a possible break? Xrays show bone.
FYI it can be common to have swelling with a CCL injury. It will take a few days for the swelling to go down, after the swelling is down a qualified vet should be able to determine if the ligament is torn simply by manipulation of the knee. The only way to tell for sure is to open the knee up. My vets have never done an xray for a torn ligament and sedation should not be required for an xray, unless Zapper is a pain in the you know what.
Here's an article I found doing a quick search.