I am cross posting this:
It has been a week of it, I tell ya. The appointment on Tuesday with the Canine Gastroenterologist seemed to go well, until the guy walks into the exam room 2 hours later and starts rattling off all the things that COULD be wrong with Sophia, but not pinpointing even just a couple to try fixing. He didn't do the intestinal biopsy my vet ordered, so we don't know if there is fungus or what in her gut, and even though I reiterated multiple times that Sophia isn't eating much of anything at all, he gave me not one but TWO medications that I was supposed to top dress her food with. Uh, really? So I paid him the 1400.00 for the visit, and then came home and desperately tried so many different ways to get the powdered medications and some form of food in her, but after that first teaspoon full of peanut butter and the bitter antibiotic powder, she would have none of it again, at all.
I finally gave in and called my regular vet yesterday afternoon. He had not gotten the report from the Gastroenterologist yet, which was supposed to be sent to him Wednesday or by the latest yesterday morning. I went and had a sit down pow-wow with my vet at about 3 yesterday afternoon and begged for help. He told me to bring Sophia to the clinic this morning for a long acting antibiotic shot that at least would start doing some damage control for whatever was going on inside Sophie. Then finally last evening, the "specialist" finally calls me. He says Sophia's liver numbers were high, but not really too high, but he was concerned about it. He asked me how she was doing, I said terrible! I told him she still wasn't eating, and the pill he gave me for her nausea and vomiting wasn't working, she still turned her nose up at food. I told him I hadn't gotten any meds in her except one time. He was "surprised" about that. I said "REALLY"?? He said he was going to call my vet and talk to him. This morning my vet called and told me some grim news, that Sophia needed to be hospitalized immediately and to get her to the clinic.
I dropped her off at 10 this morning. My vet said that his gut is telling him the SAME thing I have been telling everyone for 2 months now, that Sophia has gotten into something that caused a serious bacterial infection to overtake her digestive tract, and because there was so much of it in her body, it infiltrated her liver, which is now infected as well as her intestines and bowels. My vet has her on some strong IV antibiotics and fluids, he is fighting aggressively to get Sophia well again. He was pretty upbeat about her chances of recovery, however when I took her in, my regular vet wasn't there and the other vet, who is also one of my vets and is very good, told me the real gritty stuff, like the liver numbers were VERY high, not as high as she had seen, but VERY high. She is hoping that we can pull Sophia through this weekend, and that her liver values will be down on Monday. If not...I don't want to think about the "if not".
So, my girl needs all the good thoughts and heartfelt prayers that you can give her. I deeply appreciate it.
Amy and Sophia
Praying for your fur baby Sophia.
Hopefully this treatment will get her on the right track and that her liver numbers start going down.
Thank you Janis...
I am worried silly about her. I spoke to the vet this morning, she said Sophia is definitely jaundiced. Will be praying the liver meds will help her return to a more normal level by Monday.
Amy and Sophia
Got it
Sending tons of the best of thoughts and prayers. Sophia is not a wimp, she will be fine. Her being hospitalized sounds like the best thing for her. IV meds work so much better.
Hugs to the patient
Lynn King CPDT-KA
Hey Lady...
Thanks for the encouragement! Sophie is giving us fits, but her liver values are down, though the bilirubin is higher, but we hope the liver will be able to start clearing some of the bilirubin out now that it is functioning better. Vet had a concern about some edema yesterday, thought it was either a leaking port or a heart issue. They changed the port to the other leg, edema diminished, so thank goodness it wasn't her heart! The little stinker is giving us fits!
Amy and Sophia