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Has anyone ever heard about novelty proteins to help food allergies?

I was reading a few articles about novelty proteins and how they can help calm food allergies. The theory is to introduce your dog to a protein it hasn't had before, such as kangaroo or beaver, and then switching to another novelty protein every 3 or 4 months. This supposedly helps dogs not have a reaction to the new protein, thus keeping the ear infections, skin issues, and other allergic reactions down.

I have come to the conclusion Fatboy will always have a reaction to chicken, turkey, beef, duck, and rabbit. I'm considering trying these novelty proteins, but I am a bit skeptical. The idea of feeding him kangaroo is kind of weird, but then again he would eat bugs if I let him. Thoughts? Advise?


Fatboy aka Stinky :)

Kathy Chester Newman and Jessa's picture

We tried the kangaroo one time...

It was very expensive, so we didn't stay on it long.  It's worth a try if the other proteins aren't working for your boy.  I would advise buying a small bag to start with, he may not like the taste.  We finally settled on fish for two and turkey for the other two.