so excited to get his Birthday cake...
Viper has to be in on everything...
some Bully is not happy he's outside...
The Birthday Boy playing with his Brothers...
Big Brother Plankton...
Trying to sleep after a big day...
not with Rooney around...
My Sweet Squiddy...
Thank you for sharing these pics :)
They just made my night. Happy birthday to Squiddy! =D
Fatboy aka Stinky :)
Most beautiful bullies EVER!
Happy Birthday, beautiful bulldog!
Happy, Happy Birthday!
Hope you had a good one!
Happy Birthday Squiddy :)
Last steps taken May 26, 2014 -- Been rolling along ever since . . . .
aww so cute
Happy Birthday.....
Those babies are so cool Michelle, Happy B'day Squid :)
Viper cracks me up !
Happy 6th Birthday Squidward
I hope you had a great day! Your birthday cake looks awesome.
Happy Birthday Squid!!
That's a very yummy cake your Mom has for you! Enjoy your special day handsome & everyone else too!
Cathy & Zimmer
Great pics!!!
I really enjoyed them. Happy Birthday!
Peggy and Stoney
Happy Birthday!!! Looks like you had an amazing day.
Love the pics! What a great cake too.
Happy Birthday Beautiful
You enjoy your day and tell your mom thank you for all the great pics. love them
happy birthday Squidward~~~that cake looks
awesome~~~looks like a great birthday
Deborah & the NC gang!/Deborah075
Happy 6th Birthday Squidward
Lots like you got a yummy cake there...LOL!
He's getting some gray :( .
Happy Birthday Squidward
Many many more to come. Looks like you had a great time. What a birthday. So cute to see how much you enjoy it. Boy what a Beautiful Birthday Cake.
awww....Happy Sixth, cutie pie!!! LOVE all the fun piks!! That
cake looks sooo yummy!!! (and pretty!) Looks like a very fun celebration--!!! :-)
Our sweet Archimedes "MEATY" Bones (or as we say...boneSHHH!) ---born 11/28/08---- our first bullllyyyy!!!
And SOPHIE Bubbles *Rapscallion* (LOL!) ---born 4/3/11----our second bulllllyyyy!!!!
Happy Birthday
I hope you're having a fun day.
Happy Birthday Squidward
Happy Birthday Squidward looks like you had a great day and what an awesome cake!!!
Leesa, Diesel & Molly
Happy 6th Birthday Squidward....your cake sure looks yummy!!!
Viper you crack me up...
happy,happy birthday sweet
happy,happy birthday sweet boy..hope you get lots of presies and treats!!!
mich i love your sweet boys!!!
smoochies the scrunchy faces
Six already? Squiddy!!
Happy birthday, darling boy! You deserve everything that is good and tasty! Glad to see that your little bro let you rest - eventually"
Happy Birthday your cake...
Hope you had a great day...
Ashley, Baron and Duchess
Vancouver, Canada
Except for Squiddy's lighter coloring,
it's amazing how Viper roonie and Squiddy have such similar markings.
Happy 6th Birthday Squidward. Looks like you had a fantastic time eating your cake. Slugger is jealous.
Aw!!! Happy Birthday Squiddy Boy!!!!
I can't believe he is already 6!!! Time sure does fly:-) And silly Vipe...gotta be in the middle of it all, doesn't he!
Amy and Sophia
awesome pics - happy birthday squid
I say this all the time about your dogs - they are all beautiful!