Tommy647 avatar image

Boozer's New Pet *pics*

Ok, so I need to admit I am not a cat person, but Boozer felt he needed a pet and last week I adoped a rescue a flat-face cat, needless to say Boozer adores him :-)

HOLLAND75's picture

holy cuteness!

i am so jealous...


Silverback's Immaculate Interception, "James"

HOLLAND75's picture

i love his whole look, but especially

the sideburns, ear-hair thing hes got going on.


Silverback's Immaculate Interception, "James"

who knew they smushed faces

who knew they smushed faces cats! that's cool - looks like it's standing guard over Boozer!


MacknTeaBoneTillieMae's picture

way cool!!

and thanks for taking in the new baby!!



Mack 'n' Tillie Mae Mack



attitude is altitude!



Angela and PollyAnna's picture

OMG too cute

Boozer you have a beautiful kitty friend!


PollyAnna's Words of Wisdom


Shannon and Winston's picture

oh wow!

What fantastic pictures!  I'm not a cat person either (I'm allergic), but the Dude really REALLY wants a cat.  I told him if I was going to suffer through the allergies then we'd need to get a smooshed face kitty to go along with our smooshed face dog. :)  How funny that you adopted exactly the type of cat we were talking about!!  I can't wait to see more pics of your cute duo!


Shannon and Winston :)

My swimming bully buddy!

My swimming bully buddy!

I love smooshy faced kitties...

come to think it, all the animals I love have smooshy faces!!!!!


Kim, Remy Le Beau, Lord Sebastian, and Sir Oliver

KarenandRocco's picture

I agree - love smushfaced critters!!!! I wish Rocco would

get along with my cat.  She's a 15 year old manx cat, and it's all good in the summer cuz she likes to be outside. But winter poses a problem......


Rocco "The Bull" Capone




Tommy647's picture

Thanks guys :-) Boozer likes

Thanks guys :-) Boozer likes the little guy.  They eat together and sleep most of the time together. It`s amazing how they can be so different and alike at the same time.