omegabulldogs avatar image

For those of you who raise puppies

do you think the present economy is affecting puppy sales? Are you experiencing fewer inquiries? More buyers looking for (ridiculous) cheap prices? Any past buyers in a financial position where they feel they can no longer keep their puppy/dog? It seems to me from looking at several advertising sites that I am seeing an increase in "Free to good home" ads for young dogs and even puppies.



Cheryl and The SittingBullies Gang's picture

Didn't seem to affect us in the NW at all...

I had no trouble placing my pups--but then again, some of the people on my list were wanting performance prospects and came to me for that. Seems like most people in the area have maintained their prices from what I've heard. People still seem to be able to get those "extra" things if they really want them!


I do believe that it has hurt in the eastern states . I have a litter now and everytime I get a call anymore they want a deal or they INSIST on the one that is not for sale .

roanne9145's picture

For sure

People want them dirt cheap and seem to want to bargain like a flea market or something.