Nelia Duarte - Zoom Bulldogs avatar image

Fun Brag for Mojo

Yesterday Mojo went Best in Match at the annual Bulldog Club of Greater Seattle Fun Match in Buckley, WA.  Mojo is 16 weeks and seems to enjoy showing; I'm looking forward to his career in the show ring.  Thank you to judge Trish Whitney for a fun competition and thank you to Tammy Thresher for presenting him on his first match.

Zoom's Finally Found It (Mojo) is out of Ch. Toppers Grey Goose (Gi Gi) who is out of Martini and Ch. Adventure's Bringing Down the House (Cannon) who is out of Scout.  He was bred by myself and Chris and Linda Borden of Toppers Bulldogs and I have the pleasure of owning this wonderful boy.

Thank you also to Cindy and Terry Mozingo for hosting the match; it was a wonderful day.


Nelia Duarte

Cheryl and The SittingBullies Gang's picture

I wondered if that handsome boy was yours!

Looking good! Is he a smartie, too?

Nelia Duarte - Zoom Bulldogs's picture

He's a smartie :-)

Thanks Cheryl.. yes this boy is certainly a smartie and very motivated so I'm sure he'll do very well in the performance ring.. looking forward to it.


Nelia Duarte

Cheryl and The SittingBullies Gang's picture

Very fun!

And even more fun to have your own bred-by to do it all with! Good luck with him!

Jay Serion's picture


Best wishes for Mojo's future and continued success with him, Nelia!



Jay Serion

Validus Pacific Bulldogs