'member me? holland and james in hawaii?..here are the pics from the show. after the show i took some time off and worked on a kibutz a while (just joking, its a "best in show" line for those who like that movie) no shows until jan., i chickened out of the specialty show!heres another
whats with my arm? glad i got a photo of what NOT to do next time. he will be 13 months at the next show..how does he lok to y'all (dont mind the hot mess of a handler)
any insights, recommendation, etc are sooo greatly appreciated!!
Silverback's Immaculate Interception, "James"
I think you guys look great! but I don't show!
But those are awesome pics!
Amy and Sophia
Thanks A and S
the location didnt hurt-- like everywhere in Hawaii you could see the Ocean looking one way, the mountains looking the other.
Silverback's Immaculate Interception, "James"
The first thing I notice
Is that James looks hot. You need to do whatever you can to keep him calm and cool. Are you taking a crate with you to the show? If not, you need to. Also, if you don't have one, a battery operated fan is almost a necessity. I have learned to take my fan even if the weather is cool because inside the venue may be warm. I love my Ryobi fan from Home Depot. What works best for me and my dog is to get to the show about an hour early and let my dog stay in the crate, usually with the fan on him, to get acclimated.
You also need to make sure he keeps his head up when gaiting and with a loose lead.
Keep working at it, it gets easier.
thats a really good tip-- he was hot
it was hot, and the table was right in the sun. in fact, when she looked at james, the judge said "why do they have them righ tin the sun"? i am going to look today for a fan-- we had him crated but he still was hot. i saw people with all sorts of cooling contraptions, from ice blocks to cold cape- looking things. so basd on that and your observation i'll assume that these are necessary.
the real kicker? most of our shows are in the summer and early fall when its blazing. as for his gait, he does drop his head. the guy we trained with a few times is out, so i am going to look locally for someone to help me get his had up. not many people experienced with bulldogs here and those who are show their own. thanks so much jacinda!
Silverback's Immaculate Interception, "James"
a tiny pointer
Try to keep your lead bunched up in your hand so there is none showing except what is from your hand to his neck. There is a way to 'walk' the lead into your hand and out of your hand to vary the length while keeping it 'on contact' - neither taunt nor flopping around.
Agree with the post that he seems hot, a cool collar might help. Also agree with keeping his head up.
Keep practicing and entering - the more you do it, the easier it will become for you and James (and for your next dog too).
thank you-- heres a real doozey...
i had so much trouble with the lead, at one point when i was stacking him it was tangled in his legs. in fact, managing his lead was one of the hard things to do for me...dunno why, seems so simple..i will remember that though on our walks. great observation!
Silverback's Immaculate Interception, "James"
your tips are so helpful, i appreciate it so much! and if you lok at my responses, you were all SPOT ON!
Silverback's Immaculate Interception, "James"
You look great
you are nicely dressed, but wear flats the next time.
He does look hot and I know you are in Hawaii so get a cool coat and cooling collar and like Jacinda said a fan. I also have the Ryobi fans and they are awesome. You might want to use a cooling mat in his crate as well.
If he is food motivated, then use food when you practice to get his head up. I use a word like "look" and give a treat. You can use bait in the ring under most judges, but you need to have a pocket or a bait pouch.
You might want to get a shorter show lead, especially since you are having trouble keeping it in your hand. But honestly even professional handlers have their lead dangling...so in the skeem of things it shouldn't matter. My lead dangles all the time, LOL and I know better, but the dog is being judged not me. It's not Jr. Handling.
Thanks-- adjusting the lead is the hardest part
I want to let him move, but I know he should be in closer. As for the flats....uhhhhgggg!!! I know, but I was hoping some way to be the exception as I look HORRIBLE in flats-- havent owned a pair since 8th grade. Major cankle action. But hey, I guess next to a bulldog, I'll look OK.
Thanks again...I'll be back in Jan., next show is outdoors a as well, so thanks for the tip about Ryobi fans.
Silverback's Immaculate Interception, "James"