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white stones in urine (picture)

Just wondering if any of you have any idea what these stones are?  About a month ago someone knocked on the door and my bully was startled, jumped up and started barking, we noticed two stones and a little urine on the rug.  We didn't see it actually happen, so we thought there was no way they came out with the urine without major pain.  Well, this morning when I let here out she urinated and I witnessed this come out with her urine.  Of course, the vet is closed today so until I can call him tomorrow I was wondering if you guys had any thoughts.  Thanks!

Deb and MacKenzie and Ester's picture

Struvite Stones

Here's just 1 link.  Keep the stone to have it tested.  You would think passing that was painful.




Our 3 year old male, Bobby McGee, just underwent surgery yesterday at the Java Veterinary clinic in Massena, New York. Doctor Wilfredo Perez and his wife Doctor Lorna-White Perez are two of the nicest people anyone will ever have the pleasure to meet. And they are not out to bankrupt their clients!!

Bobby all of a sudden couldn't pee Saturday morning. He kept squatting down and all we could see were a few drops of urine; no flow and he didn't poop and wasn't interested in eating his breakfast. Totally not like Bobby. I called Dr. Perez at his residence at 6:45 AM and he advised me to bring Bobby to as soon as possible. We had him there in 40 minutes and it was only about 2 hours later and he called to tell us what was wrong. A stone lodged/jammed in his penis and inoperable.

We opted to follow his suggestion of re-routing his urine so that he will squat down to pee like a female Bully and his pee won't be coming out through his penis instead through where his empty testicle sac used to be. In Canada such a procedure would run a couple of thousand dollars and it cost us less than $400.

We love this vet and his wife!!!

We're anxious to bring Bobby home on Monday. Through a series of blood tests we discovered he has an under active thyroid so he takes pills to regulate that problem and he has been having seizures since February 2011 and we have to give him PB pills for that problem. It's really discouraging to have all these problems after you pay on an average of $2500 for these Bullies. We bought Bobby from a breeder in Quebec who to the best of our knowledge is an experienced and a well known breeder and we never heard anything negative about her. http://www.carolinesbullies.com is her website.

Gary White