Kathy Chester Newman and Jessa avatar image

We are having a problem with our old guy...

Oliver is now almost 12 years old.  He has a bad back and a cough that the vet can't figure out.  For the last couple of months, he has been flying into these rages at the other dogs for no reason.  There aren't any vibes going on, the other three can be sound asleep and he will start staring at them and then go into attack mode.  He has to wear his harness fulltime so we can control him and we've been trying to keep him separated but it's not easy.  The vet has even given us anti anxiety pills for him but they don't seem to help much.  Yesterday he decided to attack and I had to get between he and Jesse and got a few skin breaking bites that were meant for her.  We are just at a loss what to do with him, he's still got some spunk left in him, he enjoys his little walks and most of the time is fine.  I don't want to put him down before his time, although I know it is coming.  Anyone ever been through this?

It could be dimentia

or a tumor. Maybe he is just plain grumpy because of old age aches and pains. At this age and because of his behavior, keeping him separated from the other dogs is absolute. All your dogs deserve to live in a safe and sane environment.

We had a dog with dementia, they do all kinds of unpredictable things.

Sorry you are going through this. It's heartbreaking to watch old age takes its toll.

Good luck


Lynn King CPDT-KA

Kathy Chester Newman and Jessa's picture

Thank you Lynn...

as you well remember, Oliver has always been our problem child.  He would have loved being an only dog and that's my big regret with him, but we had others when he was a puppy and they just kept arriving on our doorstep.  He was doing well until the last month or two.  We are keeping them separated and we do pretty much know when he's about to blow.  Poor guy can barely get around, but he still wants to fight.  

Yes, I do remember

still feisty at 12 years old. Wow! Hope he is feeling better. Hugs to the old man.


Lynn King CPDT-KA

ArchimedesMommy's picture

Sp sorry about Oliver (( hugs ))

I just wanted to send you ((( hugs )))) & prayers that things get better!!! 


Our sweet Archimedes "MEATY" Bones (or as we say...boneSHHH!)    ---born 11/28/08---- our first bullllyyyy!!!

And  SOPHIE  Bubbles *Rapscallion*   (LOL!) ---born 4/3/11----our second bulllllyyyy!!!!  

Stephanie and David's picture


Is it a cough or serious wheezing? It it is wheezing, it could be heart related. Ask your vet. If he hasn't seen him have the cough, see if you can get a video.

Kathy Chester Newman and Jessa's picture

It is a cough...

He has been to the vet several times (and many dollars) for this.  She did chest xrays and it looked like aspiration pneumonia so we treated him with antibiotics for 3 weeks and he still coughed.  We switched him to a different kind of antibiotic and he's doing a lot better, only coughs when he drinks water or barks.  We suspect it's something in his throat, but due to his age we don't want to put him under or sedate him to do any procedures.  

CathyandZimmer's picture

Can it be the onset of megasophageous with age?

We had a similar problem with a rescue dog & that's what it turned out to be.  Another one of our rescues had the beginnings of a trachea collapse...not to scare you ;(

Hope he feels better soon. Sad to watch our beloved bulldogs grow old.


Cathy & Zimmer




Kathy Chester Newman and Jessa's picture

Cathy, you might be onto something!

ill mention this to his vet. I googled the symptoms and it sounds pretty much like what he does. Thank you!