9 Year Old Mabel has had a chronic yeast infection. Both ears are fairly tight and closed.....I get yellow stuff on wiping but it is very smelly. Had to vets a few times told it was indeed a Yeast infection.
Anyone dealt successfully with a chronic yeast infection? Tips?
Are you feeding a grain free feed?
If not, get her on one right away. Yeast can be caused by food allergies....
Find a different vet if yours isn't finding the root cause and a good solution.
Amy and Sophia
I clean
my two bullies ropes with chlorhexodine solutions every other night and I also use coconut oil... If it gets bad I also use triple paste (diaper rash cream) or good ol Monistat... I use coconut and neem oil (mixed together) for my mastiff, her ears get red and hot sometimes... works great... Good luck!