RachelLara avatar image

seasonal flank alopecia??

My Bulldog Bailey is about 16 months old. We have had our fair share of regular bulldog medical problems (cherry eye, acne, allergic reactions) the last time we were at the vet in may for her annual checkup i showed the vet some patched missing from her fur and he automatically jumped to it being a thyroid problem and that she should come back in a couple of months for testing. I tried some remmedies that were recommended on here such as calm coat and diet change, however i saw no change and its only gotten worse. I did some of my own research and have come to a conclusion that i think is is seasonal flank alopecia, only because she doesnt have the other symptoms of hypothyrodism and her skin where the fur should be is dark in color. Were going to the vet next week because im worried. But i want to know if anyone else has gone through this with their bully and what has the outcome and treatment that they have tried? Does it usually get better on its own in the fall and winter? I heard the vet might prescribe me melatonin, after i buy it from the vet is there some where else i can buy it in case i have to give it to her long term?

RachelLara's picture

picture of bailey and her hair loss

Deb and MacKenzie and Ester's picture

Yep --- It's Alopecia

Rick had great luck with Missing Link supplement and someone else had good luck with Dermix, Skin and coat Formula find at Nusentia.com

RachelLara's picture

Tried Missing Link

thought so. we tried missing link for about 2 months and nothing :( . Can you buy dermix at a pet food store?

Vern-Rory-Teresa's picture

Vern had s.f.a. this year as

Vern had s.f.a. this year as well, he will be 2 years old in November.  He started losing hair in March and it was mostly bald on both sides, probably the area a bit larger than a dollar bill and the skin was very dark underneath.

I wasn't too worried about it since I knew it was harmless, just not pretty.  

In mid-April I switched his food from Natural Balance salmon & sweet potatoe to Wellness Core Ocean (kibble and canned, but primarily kibble).  The reason for the switch was simply to find a better food, was researching raw and tried various limited ingredient canned foods before settling on Wellness. I was already supplementing his diet with fish oil (1 capsule per feeding) and a Tbs of coconut oil per feeding and continued this with the Wellness food.

Over the last month and a half his hair growth in the affected areas was noticeable and as of last week he is completely better.  Even the skin has returned to its normal color.  

I can't say for sure that it was the food, but I feel pretty confident that is what remedied it.

I know food is a tricky topic and the first thing everyone suggests when someone has a problem, but I can attest to Vern having this issue and that it is resolved (hopefully for good).  Good luck!

Vern-Rory-Teresa's picture


Note on Melatonin. You can buy it at any pharmacy without a prescription, it's very inexpensive. Just have the vet tell you the dosage (1,2, or 3 mg per day).

I did not try melatonin on Vern, since I wasn't too concerned with the s.f.a., but my son takes it to help him sleep at night. :)

Looks like Alopecia to me too. . .

I'm still not sure if its the season or the Missing Link - - -  but here are the pictures for you to make your own judgement.

We are still using  2 teaspoons per day with Gizmo


http://www.flickr.com/photos/rettinger   the pictures are dated, along with my other pictuers.. sorry its late, and I'm beat, but I wanted to answer this post


Last steps taken May 26, 2014 -- Been rolling along ever since . . . . 

RachelLara's picture

Missing link and First Mate

I was worried at first but realized it didnt bother or hurt her, i just get upset when people look and point at her making me think im a horrible person. I was told by a few people to put her on First Mate sweet potato and fish which seems to have remidied all the other problems we were having with her skin. We have had her on that since the fall and this problem started occuring in mid spring.  We have had her on two teaspoons a day of missing link for 2 months and there has been no chance, figures her health is a stubborn as she is :) Im glad i can get melatonin over the counter, however i am still going to see the vet to see how many mg per day to put her on. Will the melatonin have to be a long term solution? Or will the hair start growing back on its own in the fall??

SFA is hit or miss... sometimes clears on its own...

I know the feeling of  'Ohhh what have you done to your dog? or what is wrong with it' ?

So I've done alot of reading on Alopecia -  from what I have found out.

1) the cause, is POSSIBLY due to less sunlight in the winter - (that is the seasonal part)  however.. Gizmo started to loose her hair last May - June  and kept losing it - until this April.

2) It can run in cycles... every 2 or 3 years - or it might be a once and done.

3) The Missing Link Works... or does it

4) Melatonin Works... or does it.

(3 and 4 basically mean, what works for one bulldog might not work for another, there is not 'magic bullet remedy')

Definately dont blow lots of money chasing the 'bald spots' - good luck and keep us updated :)


Last steps taken May 26, 2014 -- Been rolling along ever since . . . . 


my bulldog had seasonal alopecia also...as per her breeder i use 3 mgs of melatonin 2x's a day and cod liver oil 1 x a day..brushed the area also..it took about a month, but it worked..

RachelLara's picture


Thanks for all your usefull information! :) We have an appointment with the vet tomorrow evening so i will give everyone an update then. Since the missing link didnt work im hoping the melatonin does. After the vet prescribes the right dosage can i buy regular melatonin from a pharmacy or health food store to give to her?

yes ..you can get in either

yes ..you can get in either place..try the cod liver oil pills too