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Red bumps on face & neck of our new bully

Hi everyone, my husband & I are new bulldog owners. Our girl is almost 5 months old. Over the last 2 days she's developed red bumps on the top of her head & her neck. They don't seem to bother her, but they concern us. We have another dog that is constantly licking our bully. We are trying to get her to stop licking but it's proving to be quite difficult to do. Any advice on the red bumps or on how to get our older to to stop licking our bully would be greatly appreciated!

thanks in advance.....

IndyBulldog™'s picture

Vet check

A vet may be called for as it could be demodex and a scraping and examination under a microscope is needed to diagnose.  [The scraping]

It doesn't hurt the dog, but waiting if it is demodex will just make it worse. Demodex is cureable and not the end of the world....IF THAT IS EVEN WHAT IT IS...
Could be fleas...or pimples, or yeast maybe?

Also sometimes food is the issue....look on your food ingredients,if it has corn in any form...that's bad, no grain food seems to be a must for bullies.

Tonight you can look at your food bag .....Let us know



Mean people still suck

Kathy Chester Newman and Jessa's picture

I was thinking demodex also...

Did she have her rabies shot recently? Sometimes the stress of teething, rehoming and shots can suppress the immune system and they can get demodex. The vet will do a skin scraping to rule it in or out. Our first guy had it. In any case, he need to see a vet.  

Wow Wee Bertha's picture

Thank you

We have kept her on the same food the breeder had her on (Taste of the Wild Pacific) and it doesn't have corn.  When they have demodex, does it itch? She's not scratching at all.  I have never had a dog with demodex so I don't know much about it. Looks like I'll be doing some research this morning!

IndyBulldog™'s picture

TOTW dog food

Is pretty good dog food.  Still sometime they need a change to something else, even a TOTW product.

The vet can sort the demodex out, if she even has demodex.



Mean people still suck

Kathy Chester Newman and Jessa's picture

My first bully had it and didn't itch...

he broke out with red bumps around his eye and then got a few on his back.  A scraping will tell for sure, if it's demodex they will see the mites under a microscope.

Chapo and Demodex

When our guy CHAPO had DEMODEX he wouldn´t itch at all. We never saw him scratch or biting himself for that matter. He would just breakout in hotspots from the neck up. He had a few redspots on the inner part of his legs like bumps as you describe. Best thing you can do is have a scrape done, like it was mentoined earlier it doesn´t hurt the dog and if it is DEMODEX you can start treatment ASAP before the little problem becomes a big problem.

Good Luck

Wow Wee Bertha's picture

Vet's Diagnosis

We just left the vet and she told us that she has a staph infection. Got antibiotics so all should be good :-)