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Oh no! Kibby just had 2 head shaking episodes!!

She has never had this before. I gave her a tablespoon of honey. It only lasted 5 seconds... 5 mins passed and the second one lasted more like 8 seconds! I read the whole section on head tremors.  Kibbys was like a side to side 'no' motion. I am so worried.. I know I can't do anything about it, she just went back to sleep too. Vet time tmrw morning! 

Do I give her honey every time she has this? Should I wait on her next dose of benedryl until after the vet? See my last post... Poor baby, maybe she s just getting old. 


sincerely, christine

Shannon and Winston's picture

I would take her to the vet as soon as you can

Based on her allergic reaction and the head tremors I'd take her in to get a professional assessment of what is going on. It could just be more allergy related stuff, or something more serious, but at this point I do really think you need to take her in to have your vet check her out.

Please keep us posted on how she's doing, poor girl!


Shannon and Winston :)

My swimming bully buddy!

My swimming bully buddy!

Deb and MacKenzie and Ester's picture

Agree! Hope she is doing better

Keep us posted

kibby5's picture

Kibby update!

Wow... Last night was the scariest night ever... She ended up having another tremor, every hour for about 10-20 secs. Then around 5am, she went into one really long mild one, all while she kept sleeping! I was ready to go to emergency vet ASAP, but then I started reading everything about it and also remembered that the near us is all students at night! 

This morning she was fine.. No more tremors, no more swollen shut eyes.. Some eye gunk and a little redness and droopiness, but that's it. This whole entire times he has been eating normal and everything. Vet took some blood and we will see . She says there is no way to know what triggered it.. She doesn't think it's part of the allergy issue at all. She suspects because of kibbys age (9)that its unfortunately more of an indication of brain issues, like a tumor, inside issues like kidney or liver failure.. She won't know until after seeing some test results, then she says I can see a neurologist if need be. 

Just now , as Kibby is sleeping exhausted fom vet visit, ... Unfortunately it's starting again.  Been going on for 20 mins now , seems to occur once she is in a super deep sleep and then stops when she wakes up a little.

My poor girl, now a little old lady. I really hope this passes but it doesn't look like that is going to happen.  I don't care about the tremors just as long as its not hurting her... I would rather not have her on more meds either... The honey didn't really help. 


sincerely, christine

Keep us posted

sure hope it's nothing serious.


Lynn King CPDT-KA

kibby5's picture

After she had dinner...

She slept again (as usual) no tremors again until the middle of the night... She had a couple of short ones and I think that's it.. I was sleeping too, so I am not absolutely sure... I realllly pray it passes. Poo was normal today... Eating and activity are still the same, eyes look better.  I haven't given her another Claritin or benedryl since sunday so hopefully her system will have a chance to heal a little.  I wonder if it wasn't allergies at ll, maybe he had a stroke or something more serious? I am hoping this is something more simple like a vitamin deficiency ? Thanks for everyones help... Will keep u all posted! 


sincerely, christine

Shannon and Winston's picture

I am relieved to hear she's doing better

Poor Kibby (and you)...I know you love her bunches and are doing what you can to help her. I'll pray that she continues to improve and that you can find a solution for what's going on.


Shannon and Winston :)

My swimming bully buddy!

My swimming bully buddy!

Glad she seems to be getting better

I would be concerned about the pesticides your gardner used. If it was a spray, she certainly could have inhaled a bit of it. Powder form can become airborn and travel.

Have you talked to your vet?


Lynn King CPDT-KA

kibby5's picture

Yes, I told the vet everything

Including the gardener using weed killer ... She didn't seem to think it was related... Just suggested tests and more tests... See my new post above! Thanks Lynn!  I am going to call the gardener to get the name of it so I can do more investigating! 


sincerely, christine

Deb and MacKenzie and Ester's picture

Highly suspect

the pesticides used. Unfortunately vets make a living off tests. I would be very hesitant to leave her for a day for a kidney flush, all they are doing is putting lots of fluids into her.

Maybe the next time you can make sure your gardener uses pet safe pesticides and/or besure yuou keep her off any treated lawn area for 24+ hours.

But I would definitely see what your gardnerer used.

kibby5's picture

No weed killer used says the gardener!

Whew! He says he for sure 10000% did not put any because he ran out and also saw I had dogs! Kibby has had only one mild tremor yesterday round 4am , nothing else today...hope it's some freak thing and it's fading away!


sincerely, christine