Taking a crash course on bulldogs, and "WOW" ! My wife and I are looking for any advise from experienced Bulldog owners. Our baby is 4and1/2 months old. Her name is Lucy Lui . Our biggest concern for now is her breathing at bedtime. We understand they can be very noisey, but she has this luiquidy sound like congestion. Weve taking her to our vet and they have her on Chlorpheniramine maleate 4mg.just before bed time. And weve tried the lemon juice as well. Nothing seems to help her. She very playful and active during the day,but bed time is awful ! Please help,sleepless in Louisiana.
Did the vet check her soft palette?
Check lungs for congestion? If not, ask them to
Good luck
Lynn King CPDT-KA
yes we did take her to the vet. Her lungs are clear. She said that she may grow out of it but that she did think it was a bit heavy for her being a puppy. She said for our peace of mind she wanted us to bring her to a specialist for more test and x-rays.