IndyBulldog™ avatar image

Moth eaten look

Brother seems to look a little moth eaten on his coat on his head and a little on his cheek.  It's kinda raggity looking but not raw or anything. And no bumps on on the places.

I have a pic put it's not real good.  Seems I've read of this but can't remember what it is or what to do for it.



Mean people still suck

The last time someone described that....

to me on their bulldog puppy it turned out to be a staph infection.  Some antibiotics cured it.

It's likely a staph infection

It's likely a staph infection and it's treated with the oral antibiotic cephalexin.

IndyBulldog™'s picture


Sounds more familar now.  I what is

wonder the cause?

I knew I had heard of it, but I wanted to make sure of my options.




Mean people still suck

It's really common and should

It's really common and should not be a cause of concern. A couple weeks of cephalexin and it will be gone. If it's minor and does not appear to be spreading, washing the area well with hibitane twice a day for a while may take care of it.

IndyBulldog™'s picture

Thanks N/M



Mean people still suck

Moth eaten?

One or another of mine have gone through periods of having something that sounds like this, or looking like buckshot got them. I don't know if yours is the same--you don't see it front on, but looking at the back from the rear in the sunlight especially. I've never had this treated by the vet....seems to resolve on it's own or I will just wipe with Listerine or Novalsan scrub. I might up their fish oil (I use salmon oil) and weekly sardines. Good luck.

Deb and MacKenzie and Ester's picture

Is it just the head

or also on the back?

It might not be staph at all.  How often do you brush his head?  It could be dead hair on his head the needs to come out.  The reason I say this is because every year around this time Ester starts shedding hair on her head and you can pluck it out and underneath is new hair growth.  The first time she did this we were at a specialty show and I started plucking and thought she was going to endup with bald head...but the coat underneath was beautiful and short.  I do not brush her head at!  She probably wouldn't need plucking if I did.  So if you are guilty of not giving your dogs heads a good brushing every few weeks to remove the old hair it could just be that.  From the photo I can't see anything that looks like staph.  Just a thought!


You're right, Deb!!  We get this, too.