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Labored Breathing

We have a new Bulldog, sweet Maddie - she was adopted 2 weeks ago and she is about a year.  Since yesterday she is breathing and panting more than normal.  Could this be due to allergies?  I have read many things that address stress - nothing has changed in the past 24 hours.  Should I take her to a vet or try something more holistic first?  Thank you for any advice.

AmyandSophia's picture

I personally would go ahead and take her for a check up.

Make sure the vet you see is Bulldog knowledgeable. There is a list of Bulldog vets by state on the home page, maybe there is one listed that you could visit.

I would be concerned about pneumonia or possible upper respiratory infection. Also, she could have an elongated palate, a good Bully vet will tell you more about each issue. I would seriously have a checkup though to make sure what you are dealing with.


Amy and Sophia

mrhig2004's picture


Could possibly be a sign of pain. Or anything. My ten year old started panting in the night and I took him to emerg and he had a heart tumor. Passed the next day. I advise always have the insurance and don`t think twice about taking to the vet. You cannot go wrong. Good luck.
