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Hives/Rash/Puppy Acne??

She has had the ones on her chin for over two weeks now, I thought it was either from litter mates biting on each other OR maybe she became lactose intolerant as I just stopped feeding them all the yogurt formula mix at nine weeks.  It never really went away though after I stopped...  And now this rash/hive thing!  She is acting fine no itching or anything.  I also noticed it on anther in the litter but not nearly as bad.  I have a vet trip in mind tomorrow in riverside:( but I need to get to the root of the problem..  Has anyone seen rashes like this any ideas?  I feed Royal Canine puppy.  Their bedding is wash with tide.  I do clean the floor with Clorex with bleach and then I spray the floor with house training stuff... Im going to start wiping down the floor after the bleach with water to make it not so strong I think and none of the house training stuff???  Also I have spiders here I have sprayed for but they never go away completely:(

Perhaps contact allergy....

For now I would dust the skin area with Gold Bond powder and get a free and clear detergent to wash the bedding.  Tide has been known to affect some dogs as an allergen.  I'm less likely to suspect the bleach washed floors.

RedNBlack1's picture

Vet said Contact

Vet said Contact dermatitis/staph infection?? Aren't they two different things??  The bad part is that I sold one of the litter mates to a customer and I had to tell him about the vet visit (karma) They vet was not concerned with any of the others BUT I do see a few red spots hear and there on ALL of them.  The customer is still kinda interested BUT should I wait till all this is sorted out?   I cleaned the crap out of everything and put down new carpet.  And he gave me a spray to put on the whole litter if I wanted.  PS they love the new carpet lol... Vet said to just give them a water bath like if they get ANY pee on them.   I keep their area so clean but there is just to many of them.  We just decided to keep more clean blankets on hand and really get on them about peeing in the wrong place...

KarenandRocco's picture

Have they been in the grass?



Rocco "The Bull" Capone




RedNBlack1's picture

Yes we took them to a friends

Yes we took them to a friends house (she was planning on buying one) and the hole back yard is concrete but one section is grass and they did play in it.. Also the dang house had ticks! I found one on my face (i kiss and love on all my pups in my bed) We found like 6 on them i took them all in the bath and washed them(and me) and checked them head to toe..We bought a hypoallergenic detergent today and I'm rewashing everything. And bought carpets for them so they don't lay on the vinyl and were just trying to be on their butts for peeing :(. I'm so
Bummed because that guy who was gunna buy one seemed so nice was happy to find a really good home:( They are looking better already but they have had spray on them. So just trying to get to the root of the problem still..

bullylvr's picture


My guy has really sensitive skin.  Someone else told me Tide is the worst - I found an Arm and Hammer all natural with no dyes/perfume for his stuff.  Also, look at the food.  May have a sensitivity to grain or one of the proteins.  Simple green also has an all natural line.


Kellie - Bentley's Mom

RedNBlack1's picture

Ya switched to this

Ya switched to this hypoallergenic stuff from target.. Seems to be clearing up now........ and Im feeding Royal Canine.. good stuff?