Katie and Chumlee MN avatar image

Histiocytoma Tumor *pix*

How much longer till is goes away???? Augh this thing!  I swear in the night he comes over and rubs my arm with it.  It is starting to harden.  Does it fall off?  Showed up the first week of January, two vet visits later got an aspiration biopsy with the diagnosis of a Histiocytoma benign tumor the beginning of Febuary it has grown since.




Katie & Chumlee

Jacinda and the bullies's picture

I've heard 3 months

You can apply some hydrocortisone cream if it itches. It's possible that it may have to be removed if it doesn't go away by itself in a couple of months.

onslowsmom's picture

When Onslow had one

they gave us a topical steroid to put on it.  It was gone in a few weeks.  Did they give you anything to put on it?  If not you could ask.  =)


Katie and Chumlee MN's picture

Ointment is such a funny word

if you say it a few times in a row outloud.  She said it doesn't have to be removed unless he becomes obessesed with it (licking scratching).  Didn't get any ointment to put on it she said it would go away.  I was wondering if it would fall off.  If it falls off I am going to hide it under his pillow for the Histiocytoma Fairy.




Katie & Chumlee

onslowsmom's picture

LOL! What do

you get for a histiocytoma? 


RobinandLeo's picture


One of the pups from my last litter had one of these on the underside of his throat, about where those 4 or 5 whiskers grow. The Vet told me to put Cortisone cream on it daily (I didn't always remember to do it) and it was almost gone after 2-1/2 months. It never seemed to bother him and never bled or oozed, even during the rough play with his littermates.

Katie and Chumlee MN's picture

So no Histiocytoma Fairy





Katie & Chumlee

PrestonPark's picture

OMG I feel your pain! Zoey

OMG I feel your pain! Zoey has one right now that is on her muzzle. I want it to go away! But at least its not cancerous, so I'm happy about that. After reading some posts, I may try cortizone creme...hopefully she won't lick it all off...