Help with Identify Skin Sore

Wondering if anyone has ever come across a skin sore that looks like this? It’s not a Hot Spot that’s for sure. This all started several weeks ago when I was runing my hand through my Bulldogs coat and I notice a small red irritated circle in which the hair follicles came out easily. The diameter usually doesn’t increase much and the spot doesn’t weep. For the past few weeks I've been simple disinfect the area and remove the hair until I can find the perimeter. In a few days the skin heals rapidly and the hair grows back but this has become a cycle of sorts. Each time small spot heals another will start in the same localized area on his back. It would seem like it’s slowly migrating while healing. My Bulldog doesn’t appear to notice at all. He shows no signs of distress or itching. Chubs is nearly 2 male and he’s got clean bill of health and comes from an exceptional BCA breeder. I called her for advice and from my description she seen something similar but couldn’t identify it and wasn’t to worried. But I’m starting to get a little nervous maybe my fear is getting the best of me but I'm wondering if could be form eczema, manage or a skin parasite.

AmyandSophia's picture

Sounds like ringworm possibly.

I would let a vet take a look and scraping, you need to get it controlled so it doesn't spread elsewhere. 

Best of luck with whatever it is!


Amy and Sophia

Kathy Chester Newman and Jessa's picture

It could be demodex but not likely at his age...

you should still have it looked at tho.  Newman occasionally gets staph infections that are dime sized spots that lose hair and then heal up.  They usually need antibiotics for that.  

Possibly a staph infection.

Have you had it checked out?
