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Dog Bite *pix*


I called her vet and she said if I can't get it to stop bleeding they will have to put stitches in or staples.  It is really deep, I tried to get a better picture.  She said something about all the veins in their ears can make them bleed for a while :(   Yeow! Staples!  I got the holes on her neck to stop bleeding.  Now I just have to make sure it stays clean so it don't get infected.  She is sitting in the corner now shaking.  She isn't sucking her gut in yet so the adrenaline must still be going and we are waiting for the pain to start.......I can't even think straight right now.....Should I give her aspirin now? Or wait?  Wait till she eats?  She is an open bowl feeder so she just grazes whenever she is is hungry she is old...


Chum is keeping his eyes on her....






Katie & Chumlee

roanne9145's picture


You need cephlexin to keep it from getting infected.  There are tons of germs in the mouth.....Hope everything works out.

Katie and Chumlee MN's picture

Thank you

I will look into that

Thank you




Katie & Chumlee

AmyandSophia's picture

That poor baby. How did it happen?

You will need to watch it closely...don't let Chum get too close, if he licks it he could leave SO many bacteria from his mouth! It is already a bad wound....

I would make sure to get Cephalexin or similar in her right away to combat any infection. Clean the wound several times a day if possible, I would suggest under running water if at all possible too. That will help cleanse the bad stuff out and the running water will stimulate healing more quickly. At least that is what I do with my horses...hydrotherapy a LOT on wounds of any kind to keep them clean and to heal them faster.

You may be able to do some warm compresses to help it drain properly. Not sure, I would ask your vet about that. You can give an aspirin, that might help with the pain and swelling some. Maybe. 

Best of luck to you...I'm so sorry that happened.



Amy and Sophia

Katie and Chumlee MN's picture

Hi Amy

She has nipped at Chum twice tonight because he got too close :(  She is so scared and it is so weird because she is the strongest dog ever.  It has reopened again, it must be from when she shakes her head when she gets up from resting.  Her vet actually called me at 5:30 to see if I was able to get it to stop bleeding, <3 them!  I was trying to be the tough mom this time and not take her to the vet but I'm starting to give in because the wound opened again.  You know they did mention the cone :*( OMG!  I may bring her in tomorrow.....


Thank you




Katie & Chumlee

mrhig2004's picture

go for the cone idea

my boy is wearing one right now after his ear surgery last night. On the antibiotic isue: I have never heard of this, but my vet gave him an injectable antibiotic last night that will work for 2 weeks. He has a fetanyl patch too since apparently the ear flap has lots of nerve endings and can be painful.

I am just thinking a cone, pain killer and antibiotic are a good idea. Hope the ear heals up well.


So sorry that poor guy

is having such a hard time.

How did he get bitten? I couldn't find the post.

It must be so difficult for you to see him having such a hard time.

Be strong, and keep us informed! 


Kofi and Carol


Katie and Chumlee MN's picture

Vet visit

On our way now.  Couldn't get those antibiotics overnighted without a Rx :(  And this morning when I did a warm compress because it reopened a little, so ewwie came out and it is still swollen.




Katie & Chumlee

Katie and Chumlee MN's picture


:(  but no cone!  She did get a paw wrap to keep her from pawing at her ear and reopening it.  They cleaned it out and it is completely punctured through.  The ones on her neck are healing nicely already just need to be cleaned daily with peroxide presses along with the ear.  She got all her lumps remeasured and one has doubled in size in since February but we just have to watch it for now.




Katie & Chumlee