Our bully has been struggling with what we think are focul siezures for the last 4 days now. We took him to the vet on saturday and had him looked at and blood work done which came back normal. there proscribed phenobarbitol for him which makes me nervoious but it is helping him so far. After giving him a dose of the medication he seems to do fine for about 10 hrs and then he starts again..There is so much info online about focul siezures but no clear direction on where they come from or what the future will now hold for our beloved doggy. Does any body have any experience with this? He is only 1 and 1/2 so we are nervious that things will only get worse...
Are you sure they are not “idiopathic head tremors.”
google head tremors, view the videos.
My dog just started having
My dog just started having these. Scary. I just hold her close and rub her down.
ya , its not that..
It looks like he is trying to track and bight/lick a fly that doesn't exhist.. he will be totally normal and then all of a sudden stair off and up into the air , then start to lick up towards his nose anb bight at the air..
Ruled Out
I'm assuming you have ruled out the tail pocket infection or possible problems, anal gland impaction, hair in the teeth, nose rope infection. Their are lots of things it can be.
If you ruled all those out and it really is a neurological issue then.
Yes I have had some experience with this
Norbert was a fly biter, but this did not start until he was old (9 or 10 maybe) and typically he did it in the evenings. It never was much of a bother, or annoyance. He would sit on the couch in the evenings biting at imaginary flies for a while then lay down and go to sleep. He did have a couple of seizure type episodes and they put him on pheno for a few months but we weaned him off it. Never seemed to make a difference with the flybiting.
this morning he did have a head tremor.
Just a few minutes ago was the first head tremor weave seen.It lasted about 2 min and i have him some honey and greek yogurt and it stopped it in its tracks. we are on our way up this afternoon to the oregon state veteranary school for an appt for the fly bighting anyways so we we will be able to discuss this but where to we go from here?
What did you find out?
What did you find out?