Hi Guys I'm new to this website I have a 11 month old bulldog. We were feeding him iams puppy food but he stopped eating it after we kenneled him for 4 days. We figured we would just change it since he's going to be a year. Switched to fresh pet and it was great but expensive. Got rid of all problems no shedding etc. I then researched and decided to make homemade dog food containing ground meat eggs with the egg shells for the calcium and brown rice. Also I got dinovite and lickochops for the supplements. I fasted him for a day before giving this to him and slowly introduced it to him. He's had on and off diarrhea. I researched more and they said brown rice could cause it. So I switched to white rice. I didn't fast him because I figured all I was switching was the rice. He pooped alllllllll over our house!! We gave him Imodium and he hasn't pooped since yesterday morning. I then fasted him again and today introduced the new food to him without the supplements. Anyone have any ideas on what it could be? Waiting to see if he's going to have diarrhea again today.. It's killing me I feel so bad I hate fasting him too. He's also acting completely normal other than his poop. Any ideas?!?
What I would di is...
take him off all supplements and give him plain rice and either boiled chicken or hamburger with a spoon ful of plain canned pumpkin on top. Keep him on this until his stool is firm. Then you can very slowly add in other food. When we switch kibble for our guys we transition over a 10 day period so they don't have upsets. Make sure he's drinking also so he's not dehydrated.
Thank you appreciate it you
Thank you appreciate it you think I should slowly add those supplements back into diet ? They are both liquid so I can add as much as I want
Yes, but just give it a few days ...
until he has a firm stool before adding anything. Hope he starts doing better!
He's doing much better!!
He's doing much better!! Thank you so much !
Great news!
Glad he's doing better!