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crusty nose

Does anyone know what can be done for a crusty nose?


Leesa, Diesel & Molly

Kathy Chester Newman and Jessa's picture

I put Aqauphor on it for a few days and...

then use a warm, wet washcloth and gently rub, the gunk and outer skin will come off and it will be soft and shiney.  If you don't have aquaphor, you can use neosporin or bag balm.  

Deb and MacKenzie and Ester's picture

Aquaphor is my favorite as well


bulldogs4me's picture

thank you ....

how long do you leave it on the nose before cleaning it with the warm wash cloth? thank you again for answering :)


Leesa, Diesel & Molly

Kathy Chester Newman and Jessa's picture

I usually put it on morning and night for a day or two and...

then use the warm cloth.  It takes a little while for it to loosen up.  If you use a white wash cloth, you will be amazed at all the black crud that comes off!

bulldogs4me's picture


thank you again, I will start searching for some .... will be nice to see my sweet girl with a soft healthy looking nose!!  thank you thank you thank you for your help!!!


Leesa, Diesel & Molly

Kathy Chester Newman and Jessa's picture

You're welcome...

you can find Aquaphor at any drugstore or grocery store.  Let me know how it goes!

Pegsy's picture

my archie had that

my archie had that too...hopefully your lil girl will stay for you to touch and clean her

nose...archie hated it,lol...pls let us know how it goes!

smoochies the scrunchy faces