Boss' nose has been "crusty" for a while... he doesn't act like it bothers him but I would like to see if anyone has any remedies to help it look better. NOTE: We are on a grain, gluetin free diet so we will need to take that into consideration... THANKS AGAIN!!! PS - pics of my pup will be posted on the general forum soon... i might be bias but he's only the cutest dog ever! :)
Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole. ~Roger Caras
I use.......
BAG BALM. You can get it at Walmart in the pet section.
2nd vote
for bagbalm. Just rub it in really well every day. They will lick it but it won't hurt them :)
good to know... thanks!!!
good to know... thanks!!!
Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole. ~Roger Caras
be prepared
for some sulking and stink eye the first time you put it on. :) There are lots of tongue nose slaps in our when it's applied. I think he's trying to beat it off his nose, but really he's just helping push it in. :)
Shannon and Winston :)
My swimming bully buddy!
Aquaphor is my favorite, Bag Balm, Vaseline, Vit E Oil
all work. Rub in well, they will lick, lick, lick and after 2 or 3 days of application the nose with be pretty and black again. You will get some crusties off, but don't try picking those off until you have applicated a couple of applications of whatever you decide to use. Grease up morning and night.
BAG BALM for anything int he world
our chinchilla's tail, my husbands hands, daughter's lips when skiiing, puppies nose...stuff is a miracle.
Silverback's Immaculate Interception, "James"![](/sites/default/files/u6310/img_2583_2.jpg)
never tried this product, but
never tried this product, but heard was good
Natural Dog Snout Soother