Chronic diarrhea **SUGGESTIONS**

I have a major problem with my 7 year old male bulldog.  About two years ago he was treated with Mitaban because he had demodex mange on his feet.  He went through approx. 12 dips total because it came back.  Shortly after his last dip he started having diarrhea.  We obviously took him to the vet when it didnt clear up in a couple days.  He was prescribed an antibiotic which didnt help so she prescribed another, then another.  After trying three different antibiotics and putting him on a bland diet and these things not helping she had us put him on prescription diet z/d.  That helped a little bit but he still had loose stool.  We gave him about three or four months to see if the food would help and it did get better, but not great.  We then decided to change vets.  He has now gone through blood work, many different antibiotics, supplements, ultrasounds etc. etc, etc.  The only thing that has ever been found was that he had inflammation of the lower intestine. He is now on prednisone which did really help for a while, but now its not helping at all.  The next step is to do a intestinal biopsy, but vet has said since he has been on prednisone that we probably wouldnt get a conclusive result because his body is altered by pred.  I am at a loss as to what else to do.  Does anyone have any experience with  this?  He is otherwise happy," healthy" (looks, acts and every test is coming back fine).  He is eating and drinking fine.

My suggestion is

try Pro Biotic Acidophlius.  The digestive system has and needs them especially when taking so many anitboitics.  I use PB 8 by Nutrition Now the green cap. I gave it to my bully also.  It worked wonders on him.  No gas and no upset stomack.  Good luck I hope this helps you.


Jo Ann

Thank You! Ill look into that


CathyandAudrey's picture

I would use a probiotic also

There are quite a few to choose from. I found one that has pre-and pro-biotics, there are some for dogs and some for humans that you can use for dogs.



Cathy and Audrey  

barbara and myka's picture

B naturals

Berte's blend from BNaturals. Really good supplement.

Thanks for the info.

The vet did put him on a digestive tract supplement,  I cant remember what is was called, but it made the diarrhea worse so we took him off of it.  I will look into the probiotics and supplements reccomended and see if any of those might help.  Thanks again.

Mejoloco's picture

Or even if you cant get this

Or even if you cant get this stuff fast enough you can give about 1/2 cup to 1 cup of plain yogurt.  I have given my babies a mixture of scrambled egg- White rice and alittle hamburger until the stool became firmer. 


Vern-Rory-Teresa's picture

Something that i've used in

Something that i've used in the past with my other dog, when she had diarrhea was plain canned pumpkin.  She's about 65 lbs and I gave her 1.5 cups and it remedied the situation.  It was a home remedy that I found by googling and it was all natural.  Good luck!