I am new to this forum so please be gentle. My beautiful new bulldog Lols has cherry eye in both eyes. I have had her to 4 different vets in my area and 2 of the top bulldog vets want to cut out the gland, while the other 2 want to tuck the tissue. My biggest fear is with the cutting out she will have dry eye however with the tucking it could return and she would have to be put under again which scares the life out of me. I am having her spayed at the same time the eyes are done just for the reason of not having her go under a second time. I am looking for answers or success rate of tucking rather than cutting. Thank you for your help...
Jan, Petunia & Daisy Mae
Info from Bulldog vet in Orange County, CA
Dr. Kraemer is also involved in Bulldog Rescue. Here is some info from his website, you can compare to what you have been told.
Dr. Kraemer’s V4B Cherry Eye in Bulldogs and French Bulldogs Tips & Warnings:Dr. Kraemer’s Cherry Eye in Bulldogs and French Bulldogs Tip #1: (DrKraemers.com) To prevent unintended suture injury to the cornea, I prefer rapidly dissolving suture material.
Dr. Kraemer’s Cherry Eye in Bulldogs and French Bulldogs Tip #2: (Vet4HealthyPet.com) The suture knot should always be placed on the outside surface of the third eyelid membrane so to avoid contact with the cornea. Any corneal contact with the suture material can lead to abrasions (cornea ulcers).
Dr. Kraemer’s Cherry Eye in Bulldogs and French Bulldogs Tip #3: (StemCell4Pet.com) In many bulldogs and French Bulldog puppies only one side prolapse, yet often the other cherry eye prolapse soon after. To prevent the other gland from prolapsing, the unaffected gland may be also repaired by forming a cut on each side and suturing both ends together to create an extra layer of scar tissue over the gland.
Dr. Kraemer’s Cherry Eye in Bulldogs and French Bulldogs Warning #1: In many French Bulldog puppies and English bulldogs there’s a good chance that the opposite eye will also “cherry”.
Dr. Kraemer’s Cherry Eye in Bulldogs and French Bulldogs Warning #2: Up to 20% or surgically repaired cherry eyes might re-prolapse.
Dr. Kraemer’s Cherry Eye in Bulldogs and French Bulldogs Warning #3: Cherry Eye Surgery in bulldogs is more likely to be successful if it’s done soon after the gland prolapses. With time, the prolonged chronic swelling of the gland can make the surgical re-positioning more difficult, thus increasing the chance for recurrence.
Dr. Kraemer’s Cherry Eye in Bulldogs and French Bulldogs Warning #3: I don’t recommend using thick suture material. I used very thin and rapid absorbing suture
Bulldog Cherry Eye, a SCBR rescued bulldog to be treated by Dr. Kraemer
Dr. Kraemer’s Cherry Eye in Bulldogs and French Bulldog Warning #4: Most Important, as much as 40% of your bulldog’s total tear production is situated in the third eyelid (the “cherry” origin) , therefore the surgical repair must include the preservation of the “cherry”. Removal of the “cherry” will deplete you bulldog tear production, and increase the chances of developing an eye condition called “bulldog dry eye”, the medical term to this serious eye condition is Keratoconjunctivitis Sica (KCS) .
Dr. Kraemer’s Cherry Eye in Bulldogs and French Bulldogs Warning #5:Removal of the “cherry” is strictly reserved for rare cases of cancer and trauma.
Dr. Kraemer’s Cherry Eye in Bulldogs and French Bulldogs Warning #6: If post operatively your bulldog appears in pain blinking with his or her eye half shot, please see your vet as soon as possible. The chances are that the suture material or knot are rubbing agains the cornea and forming a corneal ulcer
Dr. Kraemer's Consultation:Appointment RequestDr. Kraemer's New HospitalVet4Bulldog, 434 South Tustin Street, Orange, 92866 -Monday 9:00 AM - 6:00 PMTuesday 9:00 AM - 6:00 PMWednesday 9:00 AM - 6:00 PMThursday 9:00 AM - 6:00 PMFriday 9:00 AM - 6:00 PMSaturday 9:00 AM - 3:00 PMSunday Closed
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Address:For Dr. Kraemer"s Office Please Call 714 289-9400
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I've had little experience with cherry eye. When my Eldo was younger, he popped one out, but I massaged it back in and it hasn't popped out again. I think I read somewhere that, until the muscles strengthen around the eye, young dogs can pop out the gland. Especially if there is an irritant (like allergies).
My current vet (I recently moved into this state) used to breed bullies and frenchies. He doesn't like to operate for cherry eye - he believes they should just be massaged back in.
It might be a good idea to ask your vet what the success rate is and how often he/she has seen dry eye as a result of the surgery? That may give you better info for your particular case.
Good luck with your girl!
Cherry Eye
Our bully had one incident of cherry eye when the playing got a little to rough and he knocked into me pretty hard causing the bottom rim to pop out. My husband was able to massage it back and we have not had another incident since. We do though try to keep the rough play to a minimum.
rj retrog
My baby just had the
My baby just had the operation on her right eye we just got her stitches out after two weeks and got home and her left one is now popping out . I am beside myself as to what to do poor darling . I think it may have something to do with the grass and being allergic to it . I have been up with her most the night making sure she isn't scratching at her eye and will have to go and get a cone in the morning from our vet . They eye that had the operation is fine though and doesn't seem irratated .