Bulldog eczema

Hi every one first question from a first time forum user. My boy trevor has ecszma on his face we've been to vets and he has tablets which helped but it's started to come back I can keep it under control with cream but was wondering if any one had any tips that they have tried and tested cheers .


Luke Marshall 

Kathy Chester Newman and Jessa's picture

A lot of times skin problems can be caused by...

food.  Feeding a high quaity grain free food can help.  

Thanks I'll look into this,

Thanks I'll look into this, I'm changing him on to adult food soon .


Luke Marshall 

Make sure

when you change him to adult food, you use something Grain Free, it will make a difference.

Yer I have been reading up

Yer I have been reading up that diet can effect skin conditions ill bare it in mind


Luke Marshall